35 rezultatov
Who Paid The Piper?(2000) SAUNDERS, FRANCES STONOR'Frances Stonor Saunders has almost single-handedly started off a branch of sub-history; the cultural cold war. Who Paid The Piper? is an extraordinarily good book and I do recommend it to anyone who's remotely interested in the period'- Ian McEwan authorVezava: Mehka20,83 €
Freedom to Think(2022) ALEGRE, SUSIEThe story of our most fundamental human right - and why it is in grave dangerVezava: Trda27,79 €
Colors of the Cage(2021) FERREIRA, ARUNPolitical prisoner Arun Ferreira recounts the violence of his incarceration and reveals the repressive climate of contemporary Indian politics.Vezava: Mehka13,43 €
Fight Through Cartoons(2019) ZUNAR'You can ban my books, you can ban my cartoons, but you cannot ban my mind. I will keep drawing until the last drop of my ink'- Zunar. First-hand accounts of Zunar’s arrests, imprisonment and court chargesVezava: Mehka22,22 €
Dangerous Ideas(2021) BERKOWITZ, ERICA fascinating examination on how restricting speech has continuously shaped our culture, and how - regardless of political leanings - every individual can act as both the suppressors and the suppressed.Vezava: Trda29,86 €
Enforcing Silence(2020)Situates the academic boycott of Israel in the broader context of academic freedomVezava: Mehka35,36 €
In Defence of Open Society(2019) SOROS, GEORGEGeorge Soros - universally known for his philanthropy, progressive politics and investment success, and now under sustained attack from the far right, nationalists, and anti-Semites around the world - gives an impassioned defence of his core belief in opeVezava: Trda26,39 €