4 rezultatov
International and European Disability Law and Policy - Text, Cases and Materials(2019) BRODERICK, ANDREA (UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS),FERRI, DELIA (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, MAYNOOTH)This is the first textbook on international and European disability law and policy. Guided by the global legal standards of the CRPD, students are equipped with the necessary theoretical and conceptual background on disability, and a comprehensive overvieVezava: Mehka62,46 €
Genetics, Disability and the Law - Towards an EU Legal Framework(2017) DE PAOR, AISLING (DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY)This book presents an investigation into the need for an EU-level framework to regulate genetic information. It is ideal for legal and medical scholars and practitioners, and those interested in genetic testing and the ethical, legal and regulatory implicVezava: Trda157,49 €