8 rezultatov
Student-Created Media(2022) SPICER, SCOTT,HOBBS, RENEEReinforcing the ACRL Framework's calls for information creation in a range of formats, a 2020 LinkedIn survey rated ‘video production’ as a top 10 skill sought by employers. Your library has an opportunity to partner with faculty to foster student-createdVezava: Mehka133,57 €
The LITA Guide to No- or Low-Cost Technology Tools for Libraries(2018) BREANNE A. KIRSCHVezava: Mehka34,36 €
Systematic Searching(2019)In resource poor, cost saving times, this book advises information professionals on how to search more efficiently.Vezava: Mehka146,04 €
Qualitative Landscape of Information Literacy Research(2021) LLOYD, ANNEMAREEThis book describes the qualitative research landscape in information literacy, identifying the core approaches and less used or innovative applications.Vezava: Mehka100,71 €
Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries(2015) SMALLWOOD, CAROLGoogle has now developed services far beyond text search. Google software will translate languages and support collaborative writing. The chapters in this book look at many Google services, from music to finance, and describe how they can be used by studeVezava: Trda155,04 €
Cross-device Web Search(2022) WU, DAN (WUHAN UNIVERSITY, CHINA),DONG, JING (WUHAN UNIVERSITY, CHINA),LIANG, SHAOBO (WUHAN UNIVERSITY, CHINA)Cross-device Web Search is the first book to examine cross-device search behavior, which takes place when people utilize multiple devices and several sessions to research the same topic.Vezava: Mehka62,48 €
Emerging Technologies(2015) KOERBER, JENNIFER,SAUERS, MICHAELEmerging Technologies: A Primer for Librarians is a one-stop snapshot of emerging technologies every librarian should know about and examples that illustrate how the technologies are being used in libraries today!Vezava: Mehka8,90 €