36 rezultatov
Slovenski predlogi in frazemi = Preposizioni e frasi idiomatiche slovene(2019) RADA LEČIČJezik slovenski, italijanskiVezava: Mehka25,00 €
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences(2012) JUDIT KORMOSVezava: Mehka40,12 €
Words in the Mind(2012) AITCHISON, JEAN (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, UK)Featuring numerous updates, revisions, and enhanced coverage, Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon, 4th Edition, present the latest state of our knowledge about the ways we learn words, remember them, understand them, and find the oneVezava: Mehka75,02 €
Introduction to Bilingual Development(2009) DE HOUWER, ANNICKThis introductory textbook shows how children learn to understand and speak two languages against the backdrop of their language learning environments. A narrative around the bilingual development of four young children with different language profiles heVezava: Mehka24,04 €
Key Topics in Second Language Acquisition(2014) COOK, VIVIAN,SINGLETON, DAVIDThis textbook offers an introductory overview of eight hotly-debated topics in second language acquisition research. It offers a glimpse of how SLA researchers have tried to answer common questions about second language acquisition rather than being a comVezava: Mehka32,08 €
Collaborative Writing in L2 Classrooms(2013) STORCH, NEOMYIn this first book-length treatment of collaborative writing in second language (L2) classrooms, Neomy Storch provides a theoretical, pedagogical and empirical rationale for the use of collaborative writing activities in L2 classes, as well as some guidelVezava: Mehka40,12 €
Identity and Language Learning(2013) NORTON, BONNYThis second edition of Norton’s classic text on language learning and identity will bring her ground-breaking ideas to a new generation of students, teachers and researchers. Featuring a comprehensive Introduction and an Afterword by Claire Kramsch, thisVezava: Mehka28,86 €
Bilingual First Language Acquisition(2009) DE HOUWER, ANNICKThis textbook explains how children learn to understand and speak two languages from birth. It brings together both established knowledge and the latest findings about different areas of bilingual language development in a perspective that emphasizes theVezava: Mehka48,16 €
Working Memory and Second Language Learning(2016) WEN, ZHISHENG (EDWARD)The book investigates theories and measures of working memory in second language learning, processing and development. Research syntheses, theoretical perspectives and methodological insights illuminate the relationships between working memory componentsVezava: Mehka48,16 €
Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning(2014)This collection of conceptual papers and data-based research studies investigate the dynamics of language learning motivation from a complex dynamic systems perspective. The chapters seek to answer the question of how we can understand motivation if we peVezava: Mehka56,20 €
Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education(2015) SWAIN, MERRILL,KINNEAR, PENNY,STEINMAN, LINDAThis textbook introduces the reader to concepts of sociocultural theory, through a series of narratives illuminating key concepts of the theory. This 2nd edition references recent studies that provide important instances of Vygotskian sociocultural theoryVezava: Mehka32,08 €
Red Herrings And White Elephants(2021) JACK, ALBERTA fascinating guide to the fascinating history and charming quirks of the English language.Vezava: Trda18,05 €