3 rezultatov
Bridge in the Parks(2021)The Bridge in the Parks examines how security and counter-intelligence functioned during the early Cold War.Vezava: Mehka35,82 €
The Indonesia-Malaysia Dispute Concerning Sovereignty Over Sipadan and Ligitan Islands - Historical Antecedents and the International Court of Justice Judgment(2020) SINGH, D.S. RANJITIn 2002, ASEAN made history when two of its founder members - Indonesia and Malaysia - amicably settled a dispute over the ownership of the two Bornean islands of Sipadan and Ligitan. This book covers in detail the historical roots of the issue as well asVezava: Mehka68,12 €
International Law(2015) LOWE, VAUGHAN (EMERITUS CHICHELE PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW AND FELLOW OF ALL SOULS COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)International law lies at the heart of our interaction with the global community. It protects rights, imposes duties, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. Vaughan Lowe explains the basic strVezava: Mehka13,88 €