70 rezultatov
Collective Complaints As a Means for Protecting Social Rights in Europe(2022) PALMISANO, GIUSEPPEThis monograph explores and clarifies the specific features of the collective complaints procedure, established by the treaty system of the European Social Charter as an instrument for the protection of social rights, in the light of its evolutive applicaVezava: Mehka45,81 €
Guatemala's territorial, insular and maritime claim (Guatemala/Belize)(2022) INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICEOrder extending the time-limits for the Memorial of Guatemala and the Counter-Memorial of Belize.Vezava: Mehka6,15 €
Human Right to Water(2014) WINKLER, INGAThe United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Council recognised the human right to water in 2010.This book clarifies the legal status and meaning of the right to water through a detailed analysis of its legal foundations, legal nature, normatiVezava: Mehka82,67 €
International Human Rights Law and Practice(2024) BANTEKAS, ILIAS (HAMAD BIN KHALIFA UNIVERSITY),OETTE, LUTZ (SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON)This textbook combines the theory and practice of international human rights law. Now in its fourth edition, it is the key text around the globe for both undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in law and other disciplines with a human rights dimension.Vezava: Mehka79,71 €
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law(2013)The first comprehensive reference resource on comparative constitutional law, the Oxford Handbook provides a road map to the field. Leading experts examine the history and development of the discipline, its core concepts, institutions, rights, and emerginVezava: Mehka84,28 €
Case of the Pope(2010) KC, GEOFFREY ROBERTSONIs the Pope morally or legally responsible for the negligence that has allowed so many terrible crimes to go unpunished? This book delivers a devastating indictment of the way the Vatican has run a secret legal system that shields paedophile priests fromVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Migrant, Refugee, Smuggler, Saviour(2016) TINTI, PETER,REITANO, TUESDAYWhen states, charities and NGOs either ignore or are overwhelmed by movement of people on a vast scale, criminal networks step into the breach. This book explains what happens next.Vezava: Trda32,16 €
Diversity of Law in the United Arab Emirates(2022) KAMØY, KRISTINThis book examines the law and its practice in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The work will be a valuable resource for researchers and academics working in the areas of Comparative Constitutional Law, Legal Anthropology, Legal Pluralism and Middle EasterVezava: Mehka69,54 €
War(2021) CLAPHAM, ANDREW (PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AT THE GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AT THE GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, GENEVA)This book provides an accessible and engaging account of the contemporary laws of war. It highlights how, even though war has been outlawed and should be finished as an institution, states continue to claim that they can wage necessary wars of self-defencVezava: Mehka63,37 €
The Global Governed? - Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance(2020) PINCOCK, KATE (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD),BETTS, ALEXANDER (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD),EASTON-CALABRIA, EVAN (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)This book examines the role of refugees as providers of assistance to other refugees. Drawing upon ideas from anthropology and international relations, it offers an alternative vision for more participatory global governance, of relevance to other policyVezava: Mehka64,30 €
Human Rights(2015) CLAPHAM, ANDREW (PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW AT THE GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, GENEVA)What are our human rights? What are their philosophical justifications and historical origins? Focusing on highly topical issues such as torture, arbitrary detention, privacy, and discrimination, this Very Short Introduction discusses the controversies anVezava: Mehka13,88 €
International Migration Law(2019) CHETAIL, VINCENT (PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES)A unique and comprehensive overview on the numerous international rules governing migration, this book brings together and analyses the disparate norms and treaties within international and European law. It is a critical study of the role of internationalVezava: Mehka96,68 €
Human Rights and the Arab Spring(2019) EL-HALABI, BACHARHighlights, analyses, and contrasts, from a "human rights law" perspective, the situation in Tunisia – the success model of the Arab Spring - before and after the "Jasmine Revolution," and in Egypt, the Arab Spring's most notable failure - before the 2011Vezava: Trda156,81 €
Defeating Impunity(2021)Over the course of the twentieth century, only a minority of the perpetrators of international crimes ever stood trial. In analyzing and documenting the challenge addressing that status of international justice and its realization, this collection uses anVezava: Trda165,67 €