31 rezultatov
Japanese Hiragana and Katakana: A Japanese Language Practice Pad(2016) RICHARD KEIRSTEADVezava: Mehka15,05 €
Writing Revolution(2008) GNANADESIKAN, AMALIA E. (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY OF LANGUAGE)In a world of rapid technological advancements, it can be easy to forget that writing is the original Information Technology, created to transcend the limitations of human memory and to defy time and space. The Writing Revolution picks apart the develoVezava: Mehka58,28 €
Basic Tagalog(2021) ASPILLERA, PARALUMAN S,HERNANDEZ, YOLANDA C.Basic Tagalog is a friendly and accessible resource, providing beginning language learners with support, structure and thorough explanations. This textbook includes: Over 2,500 Tagalog words and phrases Online audio recorded by native speakers to help witVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Riddle of the Labyrinth(2014) FOX, MARGALITThe full story of the race to decipher the world's greatest puzzle.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
ABCs in the Bible(2020) MOREDOCK, REBEKAHA padded board book alphabet primer with a biblical twist.Vezava: Trda5,74 €
Asemic(2019) SCHWENGER, PETERThe first critical study of asemic writing - writing without language - which was formalised in the 1990s but exists in western texts as far back as Tristram Shandy, inviting us to rethink the very nature of writing.Vezava: Mehka37,88 €
The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji: Remembering and Understanding the 2,136 Standard Characters(2015) CHRISTOPHER SEELYVezava: Mehka34,73 €
Place For Everything(2020) FLANDERS, JUDITHA celebration of the alphabet, from its beginnings to its pre-eminence as the organizing principle for the world's knowledge.Vezava: Trda23,61 €
Japanese Made Easy(2020) MONANE, TAZUKO AJIROJapanese Made Easy features: Practice exercises based on over 30 of the most important Japanese sentence patterns Notes on the key points of Japanese grammar and vocabulary A detailed glossary of Japanese words and an index of vocabulary and grammar The mVezava: Mehka18,05 €