15 rezultatov
Android Phones for Seniors in easy steps(2024) VANDOME, NICKGet up and running quickly with your new Android Phone. Illustrated using Android version 13.Vezava: Mehka17,90 €
iPhone for Seniors in easy steps(2023) VANDOME, NICKWritten with the Senior reader in mind and presented in larger type for easier reading, iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 10th edition will help you to quickly feel confident using your iPhone. For all models of iPhone with iOS 17.Vezava: Mehka17,90 €
Swipe - Being online 24/7(2022) GERRITZEN, MIEKE,JUKUSA, IEVASWIPE is a book about you and your phone. The device that owns your data. That knows your friends. That has your credit cards. That hears your conversations. That follows you everywhere. And that you can't go a day without it. Modern phones are left withoVezava: Mehka23,61 €
iPhone: The Missing Manual(2019) POGUE, DAVIDWritten by David Pogue—Missing Manual series creator, New York Times columnist, and Emmy-winning tech correspondent for CNBC, CBS, and NPR—this updated guide shows you everything you need to know about new iPhone features and the iOS 13 user interface. PiVezava: Mehka33,34 €
iPhone for Seniors in easy steps(2022) VANDOME, NICKWritten with the Senior reader in mind and presented in larger type for easier reading, iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 9th edition will help you to quickly feel confident using your iPhone. For all models of iPhone with iOS 16Vezava: Mehka17,90 €
My iPhone for Seniors (covers all iPhone running iOS 15, including the new series 13 family)(2022) MISER, BRADVezava: Mehka31,69 €