176 rezultatov
Little Book of Louis Vuitton(2021) HOMER, KARENA pocket-sized and fully illustrated story of one of the world's most luxurious fashion houses.Vezava: Trda vezava19,44 €
Slowness in Fashion(2020) KIPOZ, SOLENMainstream fashion system is experienced in an unsustainable cycle with the global supply chain. It is an unsustainable system not only because of its effects on the environment and ecology, but also because of the unfair working conditions which put a soVezava: Mehka37,31 €
Fletcher's Almanac(2024) FLETCHER, KATEA beautifully illustrated pocket-sized book to take with you on your forays into nature. This will be a limited edition, with the second volume of Fletcher's Almanac coming next year.Vezava: Mehka19,40 €
Fashion and Masculinities in Popular Culture(2019) GECZY, ADAM (UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA),KARAMINAS, VICKI (MASSEY UNIVERSITY, NEW ZEALAND)Popular culture in the latter half of the 20th century precipitated a change in style and body image. Postwar film, television, radio shows, pulp fiction and comics placed heroic types firmly within public consciousness. This book concentrates on the evolVezava: Mehka71,24 €
Mask Handbook(2006) WILSHER, TOBYFull of simple explanations, fun and effective practical exercises and collating over twenty-five years’ experience of writing for, directing and acting in masks, this handbook provides a fascinating demystification of the process of using masks.Vezava: Mehka69,54 €
Fashioning Submission(2024) VACIRCA, SILVIABellezza magazine is used as a kaleidoscope to shine a unique light on Fascist fashions during WWII.Vezava: Mehka38,55 €