Zbirka: Narodna osvoboditev in neodvisnost, post-kolonializem

117 rezultatov

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    Ghosts of Empire(2012) KWARTENG, KWASI
    This fascinating book shows how the later years of the British Empire were characterised by accidental oversights, irresponsible opportunism and uncertain pragmatism
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,61 €
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    The Scramble for Africa(1992) THOMAS PAKENHAM
    Vezava: Mehka
    27,32 €
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    Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness(2012)
    18,05 €
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    Liberty or Death: India's Journey to Independence and Division(2011) PATRICK FRENCH
    Vezava: Mehka
    20,83 €
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    Darker Side of Western Modernity(2011) MIGNOLO, WALTER D.
    Walter D. Mignolo analyzes the "colonial logic" that has driven five hundred years of Western imperialism, from colonialism through neoliberalism
    Vezava: Mehka
    45,01 €
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    Race and the Education of Desire(1995) STOLER, ANN LAURA
    Why is the colonial context absent from Michel Foucault's history of a European sexual discourse that for him defined the bourgeois self? This book challenges Foucault's tunnel vision of the West and his marginalization of empire.
    Vezava: Mehka
    36,97 €
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    Colonialism in Question(2005) COOPER, FREDERICK
    Vezava: Mehka
    46,86 €
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    On the Postcolony(2001) MBEMBE, ACHILLE
    A collection of essays that contests diehard Africanist and nativist perspectives as well as some of the key assumptions of post colonial theory. It is suitable for an interdisciplinary arena of scholarship on colonial and post colonial discourse, history
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,61 €
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    Colonialism and Neocolonialism(2006) SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL
    Nearly forty years after its first publication in French, this collection of Sartre’s writings on colonialism remains a supremely powerful, and relevant, polemical work.
    Vezava: Mehka
    24,10 €
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    Rise And Fall Of The British Empire(2002) JAMES, LAWRENCE
    * Uniquely complete account of the British Empire - Jan Morris' great Penguin trilogy PAX BRITANNICA only starts from 1837, rather than the 16th Century. * A modern classic of narrative history, updated to include the 1997 handover of Hong Kong.
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,61 €
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    Colonialism and Homosexuality(2002) ALDRICH, ROBERT (UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA)
    Examining case studies, each a micro history of a particular colonial situation and a sexual encounter, this is a thorough investigation of the connections of homosexuality and imperialism from the late 1800s until the era of decolonization.
    Vezava: Mehka
    69,81 €
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    Washing Of The Spears(1994) MORRIS, DONALD R
    In 1879, armed only with their spears, their rawhide shields, and their incredible courage, the Zulus challenged the might of Victorian England and, initially, inflicted on the British the worst defeat a modern army has ever suffered at the hands of men w
    Vezava: Mehka
    34,74 €
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    Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies(1992) LAS CASAS, BARTOLOME
    A catalogue of mass slaughter, torture and slavery, which showed that the evangelizing vision of Columbus had descended under later conquistadors into genocide. It demands that the Indians be entitled to the basic rights of humankind.
    Vezava: Mehka
    13,88 €

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