35 rezultatov
Charity Case(2012) PALLOTTA, DANA blueprint for a national leadership movement to transform the way the public thinks about giving Virtually everything our society has been taught about charity is backwards. We deny the social sector the ability to grow because of our short-sightedVezava: Trda38,91 €
Business and Strategic Planning(2014) LAWRIE, ALANA comprehensive guide for voluntary sector managers and trustees on developing strategy, business planning and change. Packed with tools, case studies and practical advice. It shows how all staff can participate in developing a solid business plan that wiVezava: Mehka51,68 €
Governing with Purpose(2022) CAVANAGH, BRIANAn insider’s guide to becoming a happier, more effective charity board trustee. This is a practical handbook for all those passionate about their cause, who want to make a real difference through their governance and leadership.Vezava: Mehka22,38 €
Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Non-Profit Governance(2015)This volume accesses governance in public and non-profit organizations. Building on and challenging recent research in this area, this volume critically examines the contextual, behavioural and historical factors of governance.Vezava: Trda170,09 €
Organisations and Management in Social Work(2021) HUGHES, MARK,WEARING, MICHAELVezava: Mehka70,75 €
Leadership is Half the Story(2017) HURWITZ, MARC,HURWITZ, SAMANTHACan you imagine a choreographer only training one dancer to lead while his or her partner sits in the lobby staring at the wall? Yet we do this all the time in organizations. Half the partnership is missing.Vezava: Mehka48,22 €
Complete Volunteer Management Handbook(2019) JACKSON, ROB,LOCKE, MIKE,HOGG, DR EDDY,LYNCH, RICKHow do you make the most of the volunteers who give their time to your organisation?Engaging people, giving them a great experience and balancing the needs of your organisation is an essential skill. These are the key strategic issues covered in this compVezava: Mehka66,79 €
How to become a charity trustee(2020) CADMAN, LYNNBecoming a charity trustee allows you give back to a cause that you care passionately about, but the role could come with personal benefits too - boosting your health, happiness, confidence and career prospects. How To Become a Charity Trustee is a practiVezava: Mehka22,31 €
Community Fundraising(2019)Community Fundraising is one of the oldest and most common forms of fundraising and yet in spite of this there is surprisingly little written about this area of fundraising. This book fills that gap.Vezava: Mehka60,29 €
Grants Fundraising(2022) STANSFIELD, NEELA JANEGrants fundraising is a significant and highly competitive income source for charities, contributing over GDP 3 billion of income from UK trusts and foundations alone. This guide shows you how to maximise the value of grants fundraising for your charity.Vezava: Mehka60,29 €
Charity Trustee's Handbook(2017) EASTWOOD, MIKE,WILLIAMS, JACQUELINEThe charity sector survives and thrives thanks to people like you - people who volunteer as trustees for the benefit of others. The responsibility of trusteeship, and the volume of legal information on what you should and should not do, however, can be ovVezava: Mehka32,65 €
When Planets Become Stars(2020) MELCHERS, HYLKE VINKELES,MELCHERS, MARINA VINKELESThis is a “Self-help workbook” providing a guideline of how to set up, operate, or position a non-governmental organization (NGO) with an idealistic mission. For persons working with, or exploring the potentials of a redefined role of NGOs in the scheme oVezava: Mehka20,84 €
Lessons for Nonprofit and Start-Up Leaders(2020) HARRIS, MAXINE, PH.D.,O'LEARY, MICHAEL B., PH.DBusinesses start and fail all the time, but the secrets to starting and running successful businesses can help entrepreneurs succeed in the for-profit or not-for-profit sector. This work discusses how to avoid pitfalls, overcome challenges, and address isVezava: Mehka32,72 €
Accountability and Social Accounting for Social and Non-profit Organizations(2014)This book addresses the issues and functioning of accounting and accountability for social and non-profit organizations. It presents research papers that address the limitations of conventional accounting, the meaning of accountability, and the potentialVezava: Trda179,54 €