94 rezultatov
Rembrandt: Grafike največjega starega mojstra (iz Muzeja Rembrandtova hiša, Amsterdam)(2023) JOCHEM VAN EIJSDEN , ET AL.Vezava: Mehka30,00 €
Universal Baroque(2018) DAVIDSON, PETERA multi-disciplinary study of the notion of the baroque, using examples of music, art, visual culture, literature and architecture, revealing it to be a global phenomenon -- .Vezava: Mehka43,07 €
Vermeer's Hat(2009) BROOK, TIMOTHYOffers an understanding of Vermeer's paintings and of the era they portray.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
European Architecture 1750-1890(2000) BERGDOLL, BARRY (PROFESSOR OF ART HISTORY, PROFESSOR OF ART HISTORY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK)This comprehensive examination of 18th and 19th-century architecture explores its extreme diversity within the context of social, economic and political upheaval. It offers an analysis of the ways issues of style functioned to make architecture one of theVezava: Mehka32,64 €
Women and the Art and Science of Collecting in Eighteenth-Century Europe(2022)Through both longer essays and shorter case studies, this book examines the relationship of European women from various countries and backgrounds to collecting.Vezava: Mehka73,49 €
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, c. 1500 - 1800(2022) VAN HOGENDORP PROSPERETTI, LEOPOLDINEVezava: Trda74,19 €