65 rezultatov
Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor(2013) NIXON, ROB“Slow violence” from climate change, toxic drift, deforestation, oil spills, and the environmental aftermath of war occurs gradually and often invisibly. Rob Nixon focuses on the inattention we have paid to the lethality of many environmental crises, in cVezava: Mehka37,82 €
Recomendaciones relativas al transporte de mercancias peligrosas: Reglamentacion modelo, Volumes I & II(2020) UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPECovers the classification of dangerous goods and their listing, the use, construction, testing and approval of packagings and portable tanks, and the consignment procedures (marking, labelling, placarding and documentation). The regulations aim at ensurinVezava: Mehka375,64 €
Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation interieures (ADN) 2021 - En vigueur le 1er janvier 2021(2020) UNITED NATIONSContains provisions concerning dangerous substances and articles, their carriage in packages and in bulk on board inland navigation vessels or tank vessels, as well as provisions concerning the construction and operation of such vessels. This version hasVezava: Mehka166,56 €
Environmental Law Handbook(2019) EWING, KEVIN A.,MCCALL, DUKE K., III,CASE, DAVID R.,MILLER, MARSHALL LEE,STEINWAY, DANIEL M.,NARDI, KAREN J.,BELL, CHRISTOPHER,LANDFAIR, STANLEY W.,OLNEY, AUSTIN P.,RICHICHI, THOMASNow in its 24th edition, the Environmental Law Handbook gives readers a comprehensive and up-to-date look at the major environmental laws affecting U.S. businesses and organizations. Written and compiled by the country’s leading environmental law firms, iVezava: Trda202,29 €
Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health(2016) ALLISA CORDNERVezava: Trda79,30 €
Wildlife Criminology(2021) NURSE, ANGUS (NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY),WYATT, TANYA (NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY)The concept of wildlife criminology reaches new boundaries in this illuminating new study of exploitation of animals and its social implications. Reviewing harms like exploitation and trade, blood sports and wildlife as food, it considers the rights of anVezava: Mehka35,36 €
Legislative approaches to sustainable agriculture and natural resources governance(2020) GOBENA, AMBRA,FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONHelps track developments in natural resources legislation from the perspective of international sustainable development principles. The book seeks to reflect up-to-date trends and thinking in natural resources governance, enhance the knowledge base in thiVezava: Mehka271,10 €
Biosecurity guide for live poultry markets(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONProvides practical options for improving the hygiene and biosecurity of poultry markets. Structured as a series of questions based on real-life situations and problems, this publication contains information on appropriate ways to decontaminate markets andVezava: Mehka28,89 €
Crimes Against the Environment(2020) REBOVICH, DONALD J.,CURTIS, GEORGE E. (UTICA COLLEGE, NEW YORK, USA)The book, from the perspective of law and criminology, centers on environmental crime, its commission, the types of entities that commit it, the laws enacted to prohibit it, how it is committed and effective means to control and prevent it.Vezava: Mehka84,79 €
Animals, Welfare and the Law(2015) ROBERTSON, IAN A.In this objective, practical and authoritative introduction to animal law, the author examines the foundational concepts of the human-animal relationship and how those principles have, or have not, been translated into contemporary animal welfare law. TheVezava: Mehka83,11 €
And the Coastlands Wait(2020) HARRIS, REID W.A broad-based coalition of conservative southern politicians, countercultural activists, environmental scientists, sportsmen, devout Christians, garden clubs in Atlanta, and others came together to push the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act of 1970 througVezava: Mehka21,66 €
This Land Is Our Land(2021) PURDY, JEDEDIAHA leading environmental thinker explores how people might begin to heal their fractured and contentious relationship with the land and with each other. From the coalfields of Appalachia and the tobacco fields of the Carolinas to the public lands of the WeVezava: Mehka20,29 €
This Land Is Our Land - The Struggle for a New Commonwealth(2019) PURDY, JEDEDIAHA leading environmental thinker explores how people might begin to heal their fractured and contentious relationship with the land and with each other. From the coalfields of Appalachia and the tobacco fields of the Carolinas to the public lands of the WeVezava: Trda17,56 €
Uniting Green Criminology and Earth Jurisprudence(2022) LAMPKIN, JACKThis book seeks to unite green criminology and earth jurisprudence in an effort to find solutions to the extraordinary environmental problems that the world now faces.Vezava: Mehka40,41 €
Housing Policy in the United States(2021) SCHWARTZ, ALEX F. (NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY, USA)The fourth edition of Housing Policy in the United States refreshes its classic, foundational coverage of the field with new data, analysis, and comparative focus.Vezava: Mehka123,81 €