236 rezultatov
Barn Club - A Tale of Forgotten Elm Trees, Traditional Craft and Community Spirit(2022) ROBERT SOMERVILLEVezava: Mehka18,05 €
Secrets of a Devon Wood(2020) BROWN, JOThings of such magnitude deserve respect and understanding. They deserve to be remembered...Vezava: Trda vezava20,83 €
Shining Levels(2012) WYATT, JOHNThe author first encountered the Lake District during a boyhood camping trip to Windermere. He was overwhelmed by the freedom of the landscape and the closeness to nature he felt. It was as if he belonged here, amongst the fells, the crags and the endlessVezava: Mehka19,45 €
Mole Catching(2008) NICHOLLS, JEFFReveals the author's respect for the mole and emphasizes the absolute need to control these rarely seen animals using humane and traditional methods that have been proven to work effectively.Vezava: Trda22,38 €