109 rezultatov
Socialna ustavna demokracija - Iz filozofije in teorije v prakso(2017) ANDRAŽ TERŠEKVezava: Mehka25,00 €
Contemporary Non-Positivism(2025) ATIQ, EMAD H. (CORNELL UNIVERSITY)This Element defends and clarifies the thesis that the legality of a system of rules depends on its moral features. Law is an artifact whose existence depends on adequately performing an essentially normative function. Its justification lies in its explanVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Subsidiarity(2025) FOLLESDAL, ANDREAS (UNIVERSITY OF OSLO)This Element is titled subsidiarity, which is popular in scholarship about international law due to its role in the European Union (EU). It concerns on how to establish, allocate, or use authority within a social or legal order, stating a rebuttable presuVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Philosophy of Legal Proof(2024) ROSS, LEWIS (LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE)This Element introduces the standards of proof and considers what justifies them, discusses whether we should use different standards in different cases, asks whether trials should end only in binary outcomes or use more precise verdicts, considers whetheVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Playing by the Rules(1993) SCHAUER, FREDERICK (FRANK STANTON PROFESSOR OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, FRANK STANTON PROFESSOR OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, HARVARD UNIVERSITY)This is a philosophical analysis of the very idea of a rule. Although focused somewhat on the role of rules in the legal system, it is also relevant to the place of rules in morality, religion, etiquette, games, language and family governance.Vezava: Mehka141,20 €
Moral Limits of the Criminal Law: Volume 2: Offense to Others(1988) FEINBERG, JOEL (PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, TUCSON)The second volume of Joel Feinberg's work, "The Moral Limits of Criminal Law", a four-volume work that addresses the question: what kinds of conduct may the state make criminal without infringing on the moral autonomy of individual citizen?Vezava: Mehka73,49 €
Legal Rights and Moral Rights(2025) KRAMER, MATTHEW H. (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE)This Element explores legal and moral rights, their holding, and justificatory foundations, combining analytical and ethical theses in a complex pattern within legal, political, and moral philosophy.Vezava: Mehka31,24 €
Content-Independence in Law(2024) DICKSON, JULIE (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)This Element examines the notion of content-independence and its relevance for understanding various aspects of the character of law. Its task encompasses both inquiry into that which makes law into what it is, and into what law ought to be, which valuesVezava: Mehka31,24 €
General Theory of Norms(1991) KELSEN, HANSHans Kelsen is considered by many to be the foremost legal thinkers of the 20th century. He made important contributions to legal theory and international law and in this translation of "Allgemeine Theorie der Normen", Kelsen develops his "pure theory ofVezava: Trda252,49 €
Kritična hermenevtika: pravno pripoznanje in politična oblast(2023) GAŠPER PIRCVezava: Mehka16,00 €
Enforcing Morality(2023) WALL, STEVEN (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA)Enforcing Morality is written for scholars and graduate students working in the fields of philosophy, law and political theory. It provides both a critical overview of debates on the enforcement of morality and a defense of a distinctive position on the tVezava: Mehka47,76 €
Lawyers in Conflict and Transition(2023) MCEVOY, KIERAN (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BELFAST),MALLINDER, LOUISE (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BELFAST),BRYSON, ANNA (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BELFAST)This book is valuable for law, sociology, and transitional justice researchers and postgraduate students interested in themes including cause lawyering, the sociology of the professions, the legal profession, gender and the law, the role of law in transitVezava: Mehka51,44 €
Moral Prerequisites of the Criminal Law(2023) LEE, AMBROSE Y. K. (UNIVERSITY OF SURREY),SARCH, ALEXANDER F. (UNIVERSITY OF SURREY)This Element examines the debates about whether criminalizing of morally wrong ideas idea is right and what we would lose if we abandoned the criminal law's connection to morality. Thus, it seeks to shed light on the aims of the criminal law and moral preVezava: Mehka31,24 €