Zbirka: Pravo socialne varnosti in socialnega skrbstva

22 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    Zakon o dostopu do informacij javnega značaja (ZDIJZ)(2017) NATAŠA PIRC MUSAR
    Vezava: Trda
    130,00 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Weak Courts, Strong Rights(2009) TUSHNET, MARK
    Shows how creating weaker forms of judicial review may actually allow for stronger social welfare rights under American constitutional law. This book describes how weak-form review works in Great Britain and Canada and discusses the extent to which legisl
    Vezava: Mehka
    46,86 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Public Welfare 1200-End, Revised as of October 1, 2017(2018) OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER (U.S.)
    Regulations governing highly diverse welfare programs and projects including family assistance, child support enforcement, the Commission on Civil Rights, community services, the National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities, refugee resettlement, f
    Vezava: Mehka
    11,03 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Public Welfare 500-1199, Revised as of October 1, 2017(2018) OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER (U.S.)
    Regulations governing highly diverse welfare programs and projects including family assistance, child support enforcement, the Commission on Civil Rights, community services, the National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities, refugee resettlement, f
    Vezava: Mehka
    10,18 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Benefits for Students in Scotland Handbook - 2020/21(2020) TOAL, ANGELA
    Vezava: Mehka
    7,12 €
  • Ogled izdelka
  • Ogled izdelka
    Benefits for Migrants Handbook - 2019-2020(2020) WALKER, REBECCA,LAWRENCE, TIM,WOODS, AIDEEN
    Vezava: Mehka
    8,73 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Benefits for Students in Scotland Handbook - 2019-2020(2019) TOAL, ANGELA
    Vezava: Mehka
    6,43 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Care Act 2014(2019)
    Takes students through a step-by-step approach into the Care Act 2014 by bringing key legislation into the focus of social work law.
    Vezava: Mehka
    56,24 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    NHS Continuing Healthcare(2020) MANDELSTAM, MICHAEL
    The law of NHS continuing healthcare is vital in deciding whether adults in long-term care get full NHS funding, or have to fund themselves. This essential guide through the NHS legal maze provides information for health and social care practitioners, who
    Vezava: Mehka
    55,88 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Social Work Law in Scotland(2018) GUTHRIE, THOMAS G
    Vezava: Mehka
    71,24 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    This volume fills an overlooked gap in adult safeguarding - the digital arena - in providing a comprehensive and accessible analysis of best practice in safeguarding vulnerable adults online.
    Vezava: Mehka
    45,92 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Pandemic Legalities(2021)
    This important text maps out ways in which the disadvantaged have been affected by legal responses to COVID-19. Contributors tackle issues including virtual trials, adult social care, racism, tax and spending, education and more. Offering an account of th
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Dan Newman and Jon Robins combine investigative journalism and academic scholarship to examine how the lives of people suffering problems with benefits, debt, family, housing and immigration are made harder by cuts to the civil justice system.
    Vezava: Trda
    16,07 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Safeguarding Adults and the Law, Third Edition(2019) MANDELSTAM, MICHAEL
    The issues relating to safeguarding vulnerable adults continue to increase in importance. Now in its third edition and a new A-Z format, this book sets this complex area of work within an extensive legal framework, providing comprehensive guidance for pra
    Vezava: Mehka
    81,54 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Child Abuse, Child Protection & the Law(2021) GUTHRIE, TOM,DRISCOLL, MORAG
    This book follows on from Alison Cleland?s ground-breaking first edition. It has been thoroughly revised and re-written by its expert authors to reflect huge changes in legislation, development of policy and practice and child abuse offences in the last d
    Vezava: Mehka
    132,94 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Pauper Policies(2017) SHAVE, SAMANTHA A.
    A fresh perspective, which reveals significant aspects of poor law history which have been overlooked by scholars -- .
    Vezava: Trda
    125,51 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Zakon o dolgotrajni oskrbi (ZDOsk)(2022) ALENKA OVEN
    Vezava: Mehka
    66,00 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Social Security Legislation 2022/23 Volume III(2022) ROWLAND, MARK,WARD, CHRISTOPHER
    Vezava: Mehka
    245,70 €

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