111 rezultatov
Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming(2011) SAWIK, TADEUSZ (AGH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KRAKOW, POLAND)Featuring a unified and systematic presentation, this book provides state-of-the-art mixed integer programming (MIP) modeling and solution approaches, equipping readers with the knowledge and tools to model and solve real-world supply chain scheduling proVezava: Trda192,45 €
Operations and Process Management(2024) SLACK, NIGEL,BRANDON-JONES, ALISTAIR,BURGESS, NICOLAMaster core principles of business operations and processes with this must-read text. Operations and Process Management, 7th edition provides the fundamental critical and practical tools for successfully managing business operations and illustrates key idVezava: Mehka119,88 €
Strategic Design(2016) CALABRETTA, GIULIA,GEMSER, GERDADesign professionals are no longer just executors of new product/service design briefs but are increasingly involved in the crafting of these briefs and in the strategic decisions leading to these briefs. This book provides an overview of these practices,Vezava: Mehka46,27 €
Leading Geeks(2003) GLEN, PAUL (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY)Describes the beliefs and behavior of geeks, their group dynamics, and the nature of technical work. This book also offers a twelve-part model that explains how knowledge workers deliver value to an organization.Vezava: Trda29,17 €
Aligned(2024) MCCARTHY, BRUCE,APPEL, MELISSABy breaking the art of stakeholder management into simple lessons and frameworks, this practical book shows product managers how to manage the crucial relationships that will help you make an impact and advance your career.Vezava: Mehka55,57 €
Toyota Kata Culture: Building Organizational Capability and Mindset through Kata Coaching(2022) ROTHER, MIKE,AULINGER, GERDVezava: Mehka59,71 €
Product Manager's Handbook 4/E(2011) GORCHELS, LINDAThe go-to guide for creating and managing a fully integrated product lifecycle--updated with critical information about innovative new tools and evolving customer perceptionsVezava: Trda92,35 €
Made-to-Order Lean(2007) LANE, GREGToyota’s methods have rendered remarkable results in high-volume plants, but they have not been fully understood and correctly applied in high-mix, low-volume environments. While lean principles apply in such an environment, implementation methods and tooVezava: Mehka76,33 €
TPM in Process Industries(1994) SUZUKI, TOKUTAROProcess industries have a particular need for collaborative management systems such as total productive maintenance (TPM) ensuring a safe, stable operation. This book adapts and modifies the "TPM Development Program" to suit the needs of process industrieVezava: Trda133,86 €
Modern Hotel Operations Management(2017) CHIBILI, MICHAEL,DE BRUYN, SHANE,BENHADDA, LATIFA,LASHLEY, CONRAD,PENNINGA, SASKIA,ROWSON, BILLA comprehensive and wide-ranging introduction to operational hotel management, this textbook brings together business administration, management and entrepreneurship into a complete overview of the discipline. Essential reading for students of hospitalityVezava: Mehka137,01 €
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk - Practical Methods for Engineers(2021) SMITHVezava: Mehka132,23 €