121 rezultatov
Global Logistics(2021) SWEENEY, PROFESSOR EDWARD,WATERS, DONALDUnderstand the importance of supply chain management, including supply chain leadership, strategy, ethics, design and more with this all-encompassing guide.Vezava: Mehka84,79 €
The Complete Business Process Handbook: Body of Knowledge from Process Modeling to BPM, Volume 1(2014) MARK VON ROSINGVezava: Mehka75,68 €
Strategic Planning for Dynamic Supply Chains(2022) PHADNIS, SHARDUL S.,SHEFFI, YOSSI,CAPLICE, CHRISThis book presents a strategic decision-making process (i.e., scenario planning) to help managers build supply chain infrastructures that can adapt to uncertain shifts in the business environment.Vezava: Mehka49,60 €
Cell Manufacturing Playbook(2016) ORTIZ, CHRIS A.This book describes how to effectively implement cell manufacturing. It covers the eight Wastes of Lean and the six Lean metrics that are recommended in each implementation and a description of what cell manufacturing is and its application to improving oVezava: Mehka66,15 €
Lean Six Sigma for the Office(2021) MARTIN, JAMES WILLIAM (SIX SIGMA INTEGRATION, INC., REHOBOTH, MASSACHUSETTS, USA)Historically, the integration of manufacturing methodologies into the office environment has proven to be problematic. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that process workflows tend to be globally dispersed and thus rely heavily on information technoVezava: Trda84,79 €
Operational Excellence(2021) MARTIN, JAMESTo successfully compete in today’s global marketplace, organizations can and must do more to improve their internal operational efficiencies. Operational Excellence: Using Lean Six Sigma to Translate Customer Value through Global Supply Chains consolidaVezava: Trda100,06 €
Organizational Change through Lean Methodologies(2020) ISWANTO, A. HERILean is one type of organizational change and improvement methods by cost reduction mechanism. The assumption is, by reducing costs, the organizations can work better and more efficiently. All changes in lean-based organizations are directed at reducing tVezava: Mehka40,06 €
Synesis(2020) HOLLNAGEL, ERIKThis book shows how to overcome the traditional thinking in silos that limits the dominant change management approaches.Vezava: Trda60,62 €
Blockchain for Business(2021) KALFOGLOU, YANNISThis book sets out to explain blockchain for the non-technical expert, to decipher the dense technicalities that dominate the field, and present the opportunities for busy professionals using practical applications and case studies.Vezava: Trda212,63 €
Work That Makes Sense(2022) GALSWORTH, GWENDOLYN D.This book presents the mechanics of implementing visuality on the value-add level known as “Work That Makes Sense" (WTMS). The step-by-step WTMS process described in this book teaches operators a proven method for translating information deficits into visVezava: Mehka72,92 €
Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence(2020) OAKLAND, JOHN S.,OAKLAND, ROBERT J.,TURNER, MICHAEL A.The popular, practical, jargon-free writing style, along with ten supporting case studies, effortlessly ties the model to its real-life applications, making it easy to understand how to apply what you’ve learned to your practices and achieve sustainable cVezava: Mehka74,62 €
How to Succeed with Continuous Improvement: A Primer for Becoming the Best in the World(2014) AHLSTROM, JOAKIMTakes the reader through a real-life case study of one organization's journey towards a world-class continuous improvement process. This book provides practical advice on methods, tools, and leadership to help operations professionals set up, execute, andVezava: Trda29,17 €
Lean Six Sigma(2002) GEORGE, MICHAELExplains how to impact a company's performance by combining the strength of Lean Production and Six Sigma. This book shows how Lean and Six Sigma methods complement each other. It outlines a program for combining the synergies of these initiatives to provVezava: Trda62,84 €
Airline Operations(2020)This book offers a comprehensive overview of the essence and nature of airline operations in terms of an operational and regulatory framework, the myriad of planning activities leading up to the current day, and the nature of intense activity that typifieVezava: Mehka60,62 €
Global Logistics For Dummies(2018) SOLE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LOGISTICSVezava: Mehka31,95 €