1114 rezultatov
Programming Robots with ROS: A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System(2015) MORGAN QUIGLEYVezava: Mehka55,57 €
Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches: Covers Windows, Linux, and macOS(2022) PLUNK, TRAVIS,PETTY, JAMES,LEONHARDT, TYLER,JONES, DON,HICKS, JEFFERYVezava: Mehka55,11 €
Quick Python Book, The(2018) CAI, SHANQING,BILESCHI, STANLEY,NIELSEN, ERIC,CHOLLET, FRANCOISKey features: · Clear introduction · Completely up-to-date · Hands-on experience The book is aimed at readers who know programming but for whom the Python language is newVezava: Mehka48,22 €
Bioinformatics Data Skills(2015) BUFFALO, VINCELearn the data skills necessary for turning large sequencing datasets into reproducible and robust biological findings. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use freely available open source tools to extract meaning from large complex biologicalVezava: Mehka56,43 €
SQL Antipatterns(2010) KARWIN, BILLIf you're programming applications that store data, then chances are you're using SQL, either directly or through a mapping layer. Well, here's a sad secret - most developers aren't SQL experts, and most of the SQL that gets used is inefficient, hard to mVezava: Mehka38,90 €
SafeScrum® – Agile Development of Safety-Critical Software(2018) HANSSEN, GEIR KJETIL,STALHANE, TOR,MYKLEBUST, THORVezava: Trda106,85 €
How to Think Like a Coder(2017) CHRISTIAN, JIMA back-to-basics guide on coding for absolute beginners – no prior experience required! How to Think Like a Coder introduces the key concepts of coding, such as loops, data types and calculations without having to learn a single line of code! Simple activVezava: Trda18,05 €