8 rezultatov
Get Through MRCP: PACES(2013) GULATI, RAJEEV (LONDON AND EASTERN DEANERY, LONDON, UK),WADHERA, MONAL (GP PRINCIPAL, LONDON; GP TUTOR, AND LONDON DEANERY; NIHR IN PRACTICE FELLOW, LONDON, UK)Dedicated to the challenging final hurdle of the MRCP examination, this is a comprehensive, illustrated revision guide for candidates undertaking the PACES examVezava: Mehka71,54 €
Complete MRCP(UK)(2011) RAHMAN, SHIBLEY,SHARMA, AVINASHA practical manual of clinical medicine, arranged systematically and concisely as a wide-ranging systems-based survey of the main points of clinical practice - perfectly geared towards study for the MRCP(UK) Part 1 examinationVezava: Mehka92,23 €
Pocketbook for PACES(2012)This book provides an easily portable yet comprehensive guide to the PACES examination. It includes all of the most relevant clinical information for the PACES exam supplemented by tips supplied by the highly experienced authors.Vezava: Mehka113,64 €
Cases for PACES(2015) HOOLE, STEPHEN (PAPWORTH HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE),FRY, ANDREW (ADDENBROOKE'S HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE),DAVIES, RACHEL (HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL, LONDON)Cases for PACES is concise, ideal for quick reference, and the perfect study aid to Part II of the MRCP examination. Including all the essential information for the exam in colour-coded sections for each station, it lets you quickly understand the most coVezava: Mehka56,51 €
Basic Sciences for Core Medical Training and the MRCP(2015) NEIL HERRING , ROBERT WILKINSVezava: Mehka61,18 €
MRCP Part 1: 400 BOFs(2016)First published in 2016. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.Vezava: Mehka84,81 €
PACES for the MRCP(2013) HALL, TIM, MB CHB FRCP MRCGP DIPCLINED FHEA (CONSULTANT IN GERIATRIC MEDICINE AND ACUTE AND GENERAL (INTERNAL) MEDICINE AND GERIATRIC MEDICINE, PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST, SOUTH WEST PENINSULA DEANERY, PLYMOUTH, UK)The introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension among candidates. This edition provides complete coverage of all the most common medical cases that will be coveredVezava: Mehka99,21 €