5 rezultatov
Kotlin and Android Develoment featuring Jetpack(2021) FAZIO, MICHAELStart building native Android apps the modern way in Kotlin with Jetpack's expansive set of tools, libraries, and best practices. Learn how to create efficient, resilient views with Fragments and share data between the views with ViewModels.Vezava: Mehka55,57 €
Programming Android with Kotlin(2021) LAURENCE, PIERRE-OLIVIER,HINCHMAN-DOMINGUEZ, AMANDA,MEIKE, G BLAKE,DUNN, MIKEWith this practical book, Android developers will learn how to make the transition from Java to Kotlin, including how Kotlin provides a true advantage for gaining control over asynchronous computationsVezava: Mehka67,97 €
Managing Apple Devices: Deploying and Maintaining iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan Devices(2016) DREYER, AREK,KARNEBOGE, ADAMVezava: Mehka11,02 €