25 rezultatov
Slovensko-italijanski slikovni slovar(2018) BARBARA MAJCENOVIČ KLINEslovenski, italijanski jezikVezava: Trda30,00 €
Slovensko-ukrajinski slikovni slovar(2018) BARBARA MAJCENOVIČ KLINEslovenski, ukrajinski jezikVezava: Trda30,00 €
My Big English-French Picture Dictionary(2022) BRUZZONE, CATHERINE,BARKER, VICKY,BOUGARD, MARIE-THERESEA comprehensive, charmingly illustrated hardback picture dictionary! Complete with over 700 essential words, 50 conversational phrases, useful grammar tips, pronunciation guides and a full word list, this book is easy to use and will appeal to young languVezava: Trda18,05 €
My Big English Picture Dictionary(2022) BRUZZONE, CATHERINE,BARKER, VICKYA comprehensive, charmingly illustrated hardback picture dictionary! Complete with over 700 essential words, 50 conversational phrases, useful grammar tips and a full word list, this book is easy to use and will appeal to young language learners. PerfectVezava: Trda18,05 €
My Big English-Spanish Picture Dictionary(2022) BRUZZONE, CATHERINE,BARKER, VICKYA comprehensive, charmingly illustrated hardback picture dictionary! Complete with over 700 essential words, 50 conversational phrases, useful grammar tips, pronunciation guides and a full word list, this book is easy to use and will appeal to young languVezava: Trda18,05 €
Hide & Speak Spanish Words(2019) HAIG, RUDIThis durable, chunky board book is full of useful first Spanish words with each page covering a popular theme, such as food, animals or the bedtime routine. Simply lift each brightly illustrated flap together to uncover the Spanish word beneath. There is13,88 €
Hide & Speak English Words(2019) HAIG, RUDIDiscover the fun in language learning at an early age. This durable, chunky board book is full of useful first words with each page covering a popular theme, such as food, animals or the bedtime routine. Simply lift each brightly illustrated flap together13,88 €
English Visual Dictionary(2020) COLLINS DICTIONARIESThe home of trusted full-colour visual dictionaries for everyday use. A photographic guide to 3000 key words and phrases in British English. This attractive pocket-sized book is a perfect English language travel companion and guide to life andVezava: Mehka11,11 €