120 rezultatov
Kje pa vas jezik žuli?: prva pomoč iz Jezikovne svetovalnice(2020) HELENA DOBROVOLJC , TINA LENGAR VEROVNIK , URŠKA VRANJEK OŠLAK , MIJA MICHELIZZA , PETER WEISS , NATAŠA GLIHA KOMACVezava: Mehka24,00 €
Slovenski predlogi in frazemi = Preposizioni e frasi idiomatiche slovene(2019) RADA LEČIČJezik slovenski, italijanskiVezava: Mehka25,00 €
Pravopis na zrnu graha: razprave o pravopisnih vprašanjih(2022) MANCA ČERNIVEC , ET. AL.Vezava: Mehka24,00 €
Study of Words(2023) GEBHARDT, LEWISThe Study of Words introduces the study of word structure, also known as morphology, without assuming any prior knowledge of linguistics. Introducing concepts in an accessible way, Gebhardt illustrates how to understand and produce both existing and new wVezava: Mehka41,33 €
Syntactic Carpentry(2005) O'GRADY, WILLIAMThe book presents a new theory of syntax that is efficiency and computationally oriented and is compatible with the "emergentist" movement within linguistics.Vezava: Mehka83,94 €
Word Structure(1999) COATES, RICHARDWord structure, provides a complete introduction to morphology, the study of the structure of words.Vezava: Mehka49,61 €
Complex Predicates and Information Spreading in LFG(1999) ANDREWS, AVERY D.,MANNING, CHRISTOPHER D.This book provides a simple but precise framework for describing complex predicates.30,33 €
Merge Hypothesis(2024) HORNSTEIN, NORBERT (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE)This book locates the Minimalist Program (MP) in the larger Generative enterprise. It shows how MP follows from this larger Chomskyan program and extends it by adopting a principle, the Fundamental Principle of Grammar, that requires all grammatical depenVezava: Mehka42,25 €
Coordinate Structures(2023) ZHANG, NING (NATIONAL CHUNG CHENG UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN)In a coordination construction, two or more syntactic constituents are combined, with or without an overt coordinator. This Element examines how coordinate structures are derived syntactically, focussing on the syntactic operations involved, including conVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Merge and the Strong Minimalist Thesis(2023) CHOMSKY, NOAM (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA),SEELY, T. DANIEL (EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY),BERWICK, ROBERT C. (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY),FONG, SANDIWAY (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA),HUYBREGTS, M. A. C. (UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS),KITAHARA, HISATSUGU (KEIO UNIVERSITY, TOKYO),MCINNERNEY, ANDREW (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN),SUGIMOTO, YUSHI (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO)The goal of this contribution to the Elements series is to closely examine Merge, its form, its function, and its central role in current linguistic theory. It explores what it does (and does not do), why it has the form it has, and its development over tVezava: Mehka31,24 €
Merge and the Strong Minimalist Thesis(2023) CHOMSKY, NOAM (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA),SEELY, T. DANIEL (EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY),BERWICK, ROBERT C. (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY),FONG, SANDIWAY (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA),HUYBREGTS, M. A. C. (UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS),KITAHARA, HISATSUGU (KEIO UNIVERSITY, TOKYO),MCINNERNEY, ANDREW (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN),SUGIMOTO, YUSHI (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO)The goal of this contribution to the Elements series is to closely examine Merge, its form, its function, and its central role in current linguistic theory. It explores what it does (and does not do), why it has the form it has, and its development over tVezava: Trda90,09 €
Sentence Structure(2005) FABB, NIGELThe second edition of Sentence Structure has been revised and updated throughout to include new material on tense, aspect, modality and the verb phrase, whilst the order of topics has been rearranged to improve clarity.Vezava: Mehka47,76 €