4943 rezultatov
Year Like No Other(2022) PATRICK, RUTH (UNIVERSITY OF YORK),POWER, MADDY (UNIVERSITY OF YORK),GARTHWAITE, KAYLEIGH (UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM),KAUFMAN, JIM (UNIVERSITY OF YORK),PAGE, GEOFF (UNIVERSITY OF YORK),PYBUS, KATIE (UNIVERSITY OF YORK)Telling the stories of low-income families, this book exposes the ways that pre-existing inequalities, insecurities and hardships were amplified during the pandemic in the UK and offers key policy recommendations for change.Vezava: Mehka24,10 €
Cruel Optimism of Racial Justice(2022) MEER, NASAR (THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH)Looking at examples across anti-racist movements and developments in nationhood/nationalism, institutional racism, migration, white supremacy and the disparities of COVID-19, Nasar Meer argues for the need to move on from perpetual crisis in racial justicVezava: Mehka24,10 €
Prisons of the World(2021) COYLE, ANDREW (EMERITUS PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON)This book discusses the failings of the prison system in many countries and offers positive pointers for the future. It shows the way forward will be through initiatives such as Justice Reinvestment and in the Human Development model.Vezava: Mehka35,36 €
Beginner’s Guide to Building Better Worlds(2022) GAHMAN, LEVI (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL),MOHAMED, NASHA (INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER),PENADOS, FILIBERTO (JULIAN CHO SOCIETY),REYES, JOHANNAH-RAE (WOMANTRA),MOHAMED, ATIYAH (INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER),SMITH, SHELDA-JANE (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL)Written by an international team of authors, this ambitious volume offers radical alternatives to staid ways of thinking on the most crucial global challenges of our times. Bridging real examples of political agency, collective action and mutual aid withVezava: Mehka40,18 €
Time For Lights Out(2019) BRIGGS, RAYMONDIn his customary pose as the grumpiest of grumpy old men, Raymond Briggs contemplates old age and death… and doesn’t like them much.Vezava: Trda26,39 €
State of Rebellion(2016) LOMBARD, LOUISAAn in-depth and revealing account of the violence that has swept the Central African Republic.Vezava: Mehka32,14 €
Hacking Immortality(2021) SPUTNIK FUTURESCheat death—or at least delay it—with this accessible look into the quest for immortality, and what it means for human civilisation.Vezava: Mehka15,50 €
Making Research Matter - Steps to Impact for Health and Care Researchers(2021) LAMONT, TARA (WESSEX INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON)EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Written by a leading expert in the field, this practical and accessible book is an essential guide to knowledge exchange, impact and research dissemination in health and social care.Vezava: Mehka32,14 €
Participatory Ideology(2021) BERESFORD, PETER (VISITING PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA AND CO-CHAIR, SHAPING OUR LIVES,)This book examines for the first time the exclusionary nature of prevailing political ideologies. Bringing together theory, practice and the relationship between participation, political ideology and social welfare, it offers a detailed critique of how thVezava: Mehka32,14 €
Long-Term Recovery from Substance Use - European Perspectives(2022)This cross-Europe analysis explores crucial aspects of long term recovery from substance use. Leading experts set out the evolving needs of people who have sought to change their use of substances and the factors in their progress. The book concludes withVezava: Mehka45,01 €
Tudor Christmas(2018) WEIR, ALISON,CLARKE, SIOBHANThe festival was so beloved by English people that Christmas traditions survived remarkably unchanged in this age of tumultuous religious upheaval. Beautifully illustrated with original line drawings throughout, this enchanting compendium will fascinateVezava: Trda20,83 €
Kingdom in Crisis(2015) MARSHALL, ANDREW MACGREGORA fascinating, engaged account of a country on the brink of change.Vezava: Mehka25,71 €
Sex, Needs and Queer Culture(2016) ALDERSON, DOCTOR DAVIDOffers a new and radically different interpretive framework for our understanding of neoliberalism and sexuality.Vezava: Mehka32,14 €
Marxism and the Muslim World(2015) RODINSON, MAXIMEIn his trademark polemical style, Maxime Rodinson examines the complexities of political Islam and Marxist ideology and their implications for Arab nationalism.Vezava: Mehka23,87 €
South Africa's Insurgent Citizens: On Dissent and the Possibility of Politics(2015) BROWN, DOCTOR JULIANA lively and argumentative analysis of contemporary South African politics that shows how the dream of a 'rainbow nation' consensus has fractured, making space for new political possibilities to emerge.Vezava: Mehka36,97 €
Pandemic Exposures – Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus(2022) FASSIN, DIDIER,FOURCADE, MARIONVezava: Mehka51,45 €