4943 rezultatov
Nullius – The Anthropology of Ownership, Sovereignty, and the Law in India(2022) KAPILA, KRITIVezava: Mehka36,75 €
Science in the Forest, Science in the Past(2021) LLOYD, GEOFFREY E. R.,VILACA, APARECIDA,VILACA, APARECIDAVezava: Mehka44,10 €
Researching Voluntary Action(2022)With case studies from around the world, this accessible book explores the methodological complexities of research into voluntary action, charitable behaviour and participation in voluntary organisations.Vezava: Trda126,00 €
Protecting Children, Creating Citizens - Participatory Child Protection Practice in Norway and the United States(2022) KRIZ, KATRIN (EMMANUEL COLLEGE IN BOSTON USA; CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON DISCRETION AND PATERNALISM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN)This book examines a participatory approach in child protection practices in Norway and the United States. It explores ways of empowering children; shows how they can be encouraged to express their own opinions and explores tools for child protection workVezava: Mehka49,60 €
Young and Lonely(2020) BATSLEER, JANET (MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY),DUGGAN, JAMES (MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY)This book addresses important questions about tackling today’s epidemic of loneliness among young people, exploring experiences of loneliness in early life and considering how social conditions of austerity, precarity, inequality and competitive pressuresVezava: Mehka32,14 €
Social Divisions(2020)Informed by sociological theory and recent empirical analysis, the new edition of this classic textbook is an accessible account of the major social divisions that structure social life. Written by experts, it covers an unrivalled range of social divisionVezava: Mehka55,11 €
Putting Civil Society in Its Place(2022) JESSOP, BOB (LANCASTER UNIVERSITY)Through theories of metagovernance and case studies of mobilisations against economic and social problems, Bob Jessop explores the idea of civil society as a mode of governance. Reviewing concepts of self-emancipation and self-responsibilisation, he challVezava: Mehka43,40 €
Doing Accessible Social Research - A Practical Guide(2021) AIDLEY, DANIELA,FEARON, KRISSIn this book, Daniela Aidley and Kriss Fearon provide a practical introduction to making it easier for everyone to take part in research. It will be invaluable to researchers from a variety of backgrounds looking to increase participation in their researcVezava: Mehka40,41 €
Urbanism without Guarantees(2020) ANDERSON, CHRISTIAN M.A unique more-than-capitalist take on urban dynamics Vigilante action. Renegades. Human intrigue and the future at stake in New York City. In Urbanism without Guarantees, Christian M. Anderson offers a new perspective on urban dynamics and urban structuraVezava: Trda88,59 €
Beyond the Meme(2019)Interdisciplinary perspectives on cultural evolution that reject meme theory in favor of a complex understanding of dynamic change over time How do cultures change? In recent decades, the concept of the meme, posited as a basic unit of culture analogous tVezava: Mehka62,02 €
Acid Revival - The Psychedelic Renaissance and the Quest for Medical Legitimacy(2020) GIFFORT, DANIELLEVezava: Mehka37,88 €
Is This 'Azaadi'? – Everyday Lives of Dalit Agricultural Labourers in a Bihar Village(2018) CHAKRAVARTI, ANANDVezava: Trda56,23 €
Failure of Child Support(2022) COOK, KAY (SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, AUSTRALIA)Drawing on interviews with key international informants across 16 countries, this book examines how child support systems often fail to transfer payments from separated fathers to mothers and their children. It identifies how the gender order is entrencheVezava: Trda126,00 €
Ability, Inequality and Post-Pandemic Schools(2021) BRADBURY, ALICE (UCL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON)Alice Bradbury discusses how the meritocracy myth reinforces educational inequalities and analyses how the recent educational developments of datafication and neuroscience might challenge how we classify and label children as we rebuild a post-pandemic scVezava: Mehka32,14 €
Sex/Gender and Self-Determination(2021) DAVY, ZOWIE (DE MONTFORT UNIVERSITY)This book presents a poignant account of the current policy approaches to self-determining sex and gender in the UK and beyond, showing how legal, medical and pedagogical policy developments are interconnected, and how policy is affected by transgender anVezava: Mehka49,60 €
Young People’s Participation(2022)This book explores how young people across different European contexts participate in decision-making and foster changes on issues that concern them and their communities, giving new insights into discourses on young people's as active citizens across EuVezava: Mehka51,44 €
Data in Society(2019)This book analyses societal trends and controversies related to developments in data ownership, access, construction, dissemination and interpretation, looking at the ways that society interacts with and uses statistical data.Vezava: Mehka58,79 €
Social Work and Social Theory(2018) GARRETT, PAUL MICHAEL (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY HE ALSO AN ELECTED MEMBER OF THE IRISH ROYAL ACADEMY.)This book imaginatively explores ways in which practitioners and social work educators might develop more critical and radical ways of theorising and working. It is an invaluable resource for students and contains features such as Reflection Boxes and TalVezava: Mehka46,61 €