4950 rezultatov
We Need to Hang Out(2021) BAKER, BILLYIt's a lonely world out there. And it's only getting lonelier. Meet the man who thinks he can change that.Vezava: Trda32,16 €
The Sanitation Triangle - Socio-Culture, Health and Materials(2022)This open access book deals with global sanitation, where SDG 6.2 sets a target of enabling access to sanitation services for all, but has not yet been achieved in low- and middle-income countries.Vezava: Mehka57,87 €
Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond(2022)This open access book addresses the multiple health dimensions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in India and other countries including nine in Asia, five in Sub-Saharan Africa, and New Zealand.Vezava: Mehka57,87 €
Academic Flying and the Means of Communication(2021)This open access book shines a light on how and why academic work became entwined with air travel, and what can be done to change academia’s flying habit.Vezava: Mehka57,87 €
Cringeworthy - How to Make the Most of Uncomfortable Situations(2019) MELISSA DAHLVezava: Mehka16,66 €
Perception of Risk(2000) SLOVIC, PAUL (UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, USA)The concept of risk is an outgrowth of our society's great concern about coping with the dangers of modern life. This book examines the gap between expert views of risk and public perceptions. It allows the reader to see the evolution of our understandingVezava: Mehka69,81 €
Sociological Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic in India(2021)The chapters are written in an engaging style, and each chapter investigates the way societies think about the risk, threat and harm and the ways to navigate crises of all kinds.Vezava: Trda97,45 €
Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown(2021) WONG, YEE LAM ELIM,LIM, TAI WEIIt is useful for both academic and non- academic readers who are interested in migration history, transformation of urban spaces, anthropological perspectives of integration of immigrants, diasporic studies and overseas Chinese studies.Vezava: Trda88,59 €
Scientification of Love(1999) ODENT, MICHELWith maternal love as the prototype for all types of love, Odent examines the short, but critical time just after birth which has long-term consequences for our future capacity to love. The author looks at love holistically and in terms of the hormones wVezava: Mehka30,44 €
Animal Inside(2018)A team of renowned philosophers and a new generation of thinkers come together to offer the first book-length examination of the relationship between philosophical anthropology and animal studies.Vezava: Mehka69,42 €
Breaking Free from Death(2020) RYLKOVA, GALINAExamines how Russian writers respond to the burden of living with anxieties about their creative outputs, and, ultimately, about their own inevitable finitude. The book describes the lives and choices that concrete individuals and their literary characterVezava: Mehka25,79 €
Strange Journey(2020) BENTLEY, PAUL ROBERTSThis biographical history follows the iconoclastic career of John R. Friedeberg Seeley, pre-eminent ""Pop Sociologist"" and Mental Health Activist of the 1950s.Vezava: Mehka29,46 €
Importing Care, Faithful Service(2022) CHERRY, STEPHEN M.Drawing on rich ethnographic and survey data, this study explores the role Catholicism plays in shaping the professional and community lives of foreign-born Filipino and Indian American nurses. Their stories provide insights into the roles race, religionVezava: Mehka53,40 €
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse(2019) BONNICK, HELENChild to Parent Violence and Abuse is the first accessible, step-by-step practitioner's guide to understanding and working effectively with the thousands of families experiencing an underreported but deeply traumatic problem within the home.Vezava: Mehka63,85 €