4950 rezultatov
Identity, Hybridity and Cultural Home - Chinese Migrants and Diaspora in Multicultural Societies(2015) LIU, SHUANGExplores identity formation and cultural home for generations of Chinese immigrants living in multicultural societies across the world.Vezava: Trda190,48 €
A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory - Measuring in the Educational, Social and Health Sciences(2019) ANDRICH, DAVID,MARAIS, IDAThis book applies Rasch measurement theory to the fields of education, psychology, sociology, marketing and health outcomes in order to measure various social constructs.Vezava: Mehka122,11 €
Journey of the Mind(2022) OGAS, OGI (BOSTON UNIVERSITY),GADDAM, SAITwo neuroscientists trace a sweeping new vision of consciousness across eighteen increasingly intelligent minds, from microbes to humankind and beyondVezava: Trda38,57 €
Social Inequality(2022) WARWICK-BOOTH, LOUISESocial inequality is a core area of Sociology, as well as working across Pol & IR, Health and Social Work. This new edition still provides a comprehensive introduction to all areas of social inequality, complete with new chapters on sexuality, employmentVezava: Mehka58,05 €
Viral Frictions(2022) PFEIFFER, ELIZABETH J.Takes the reader along a trail of intersecting narratives to uncover how and why it is that HIV-related stigma persists in the age of treatment. Pfeiffer convincingly argues that stigma is a socially constructed process co-produced at the nexus of local,Vezava: Mehka62,02 €
Sex, Society, and the Making of Pornography(2021) ESCOFFIER, JEFFREYShows how the making of pornographic films is a social process that draws on the fantasies, sexual scripts and sexual identities of performers, writers, directors, and editors to produce sexually exciting videos and movies.Vezava: Mehka51,67 €
Near Human(2021) SVENDSEN, METTE N.Near Human is an ethnography of research piglets in biomedical experiments and premature human infants in clinical care in Denmark. Drawing on fieldwork carried out on farms, in animal-based science labs, and in hospitals, Mette N. Svendsen redirects theVezava: Mehka51,67 €
Bones(2020) MEALS, ROY A. (UCLA)A lively, illustrated exploration of the 500-million-year history of bone, a touchstone for understanding vertebrate life and human culture.Vezava: Trda35,36 €
Appropriate(2021) REKDAL, PAISLEY (UNIVERSITY OF UTAH)A timely, nuanced work that dissects the thorny debate around cultural appropriation and the literary imagination.Vezava: Mehka20,89 €
SDG12 - Sustainable Consumption and Production(2021) MOORE BERNSTEIN, JENNIFER (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA),VOS, ROBERT O. (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA)This book takes a wide-ranging and non-dogmatic view of SDG12, tackling various approaches as to how production and consumption can provide for human well-being while minimizing destructive effects on the biophysical environment.Vezava: Mehka71,22 €
Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers(2022) KARA, HELENThis book equips any quantitative researcher, at any level, who finds they need to use qualitative methods, with the necessary theoretical and practical skills they need to leverage their quantitative background into successful qualitative research.Vezava: Mehka67,12 €
We Need to Talk about Parents(2022) FREEMAN, CATHIE,GATES, JENNIA guide for primary and secondary school teachers on interacting and working with parents with a strong focus on developing empathetic professional skills.Vezava: Mehka38,09 €
What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire(2014) DANIEL BERGNERVezava: Mehka15,27 €