4959 rezultatov
Population ageing and international development(2010) LLOYD-SHERLOCK, PETER (SCHOOL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA)This original book analyses the links between development, population ageing and the experiences of older people, especially in developing countries where more than 80% of the increase in people aged over 60 will take place over the coming decades.Vezava: Mehka51,44 €
The Fetish Revisited - Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make(2018) J. LORAND MATORYVezava: Mehka49,76 €
Adventures in Social Research(2022) BABBIE, EARL R. R.,WAGNER-HUANG, WILLIAM E. E.,ZAINO, JEANNE S. S.Vezava: Mehka177,31 €
Young Peoples' Life and Schooling in Rural Areas(2019) OHRN, ELISABET,BEACH, DENNISVezava: Mehka20,78 €
Choose Decide Change(2020) RUFINO, ANNA MARIAChoosing, deciding and changing constitute the common thread of everything that we want and that we do. The deep transformation of all social system, in all its dimensions has profoundly resented of the diverse possibility or in other respects, of the absVezava: Mehka11,98 €
In-security(2020) RUFINO, ANNA MARIAThe uncertainty of not existing, in all its – individual, social, institutional and economical – manifestations dizzily transforms the social system, destroying it in the immediacy of here and now, contributing then to generate words, images and gesturesVezava: Mehka5,16 €
(M)othering Labeled Children - Bilingualism and Disability in the Lives of Latinx Mothers(2021) CIOE-PENA, MARIAThis book explores the experiences and identities of minoritized Latinx mothers who are raising a child who is labeled as both an emergent bilingual and dis/abled. It showcases relationships between families and schools and reveals the ways in which schooVezava: Mehka48,16 €
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics - International Student Edition(2019) SALKIND, NEIL J. J.,FREY, BRUCE B. B.With new co-author Bruce B. Frey, this seventh edition of the bestselling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics teaches an often intimidating and difficult subject in a way that is informative, personable, and clear.177,31 €
Easy R(2020) GOHMERT, ELIZABETH A. A.,LI, QUAN L. L.,WISE, DOUGLAS R. R.Built on the premise that anyone can learn to use the R software, this book emphasizes using R to do useful things like writing papers and reports, creating graphs, and conducting simple data analysis.Vezava: Mehka67,97 €
Scale Development(2022) DEVELLIS, ROBERT F. (THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, USA),THORPE, CAROLYN T. (THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, USA)Scale Development: Theory and Applications, by Robert F. DeVellis and new co-author Carolyn T. Thorpe, demystifies measurement by emphasizing a logical rather than strictly mathematical understanding of concepts. The Fifth Edition includes a new chapter tVezava: Mehka100,50 €
How To Live With Each Other(2022) SAMANANI, FARHANAn anthropologist looks at our modern world - and shows how we can build a better, more connected one.Vezava: Trda23,61 €
30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher(2020) CRESWELL, JOHN W. W. (DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN),BAEZ, JOHANNA CRESWELL CRESWELL (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, USA)The second edition of 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher provides practical information for the novice qualitative researcher, addressing the "how" of conducting qualitative research. The 30 listed skills are competencies that can help quaVezava: Mehka100,50 €
Action Research(2020) STRINGER, ERNEST T. T. (CURTIN UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA),ORTIZ ARAGON, ALFREDO (UNIVERSITY OF THE INCARNATE WORD, SAN ANTONIO, USA)Action Research is an invaluable guide to novice researchers from a diversity of disciplines, backgrounds, and levels of study for understanding how action research works in real-life contexts. It helps students see the value of their research in a broadeVezava: Mehka100,50 €