4959 rezultatov
Tone of Teaching(2003) VAN MANEN, MAXIn the revised and updated second edition of The Tone of Teaching, bestselling author Max van Manen defines sound pedagogy for both teachers and parents as the ability to distinguish effectively between what is appropriate, and what is less appropriate, iVezava: Mehka67,97 €
Evocative Autoethnography(2016) BOCHNER, ARTHUR,ELLIS, CAROLYNThis comprehensive text is the first to introduce evocative autoethnography as a methodology and a way of life in the human sciences.Written as the story of a fictional workshop, based on many similar sessions led by the authors, it incorporates group disVezava: Mehka73,49 €
Safe(2020) OWUSU, DEREKThe Good Immigrant meets Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, SAFE is an anthology of writing by Black British men, edited by Mostly Lit podcast host Derek Owusu.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Graves of the Great and Famous(2022) HORNE, ALASTAIRArranged thematically and illustrated with 150 photographs, Graves of the Great and Famous tours the world exploring the resting places of leading artists, thinkers, scientists, sportspeople, revolutionaries, politicians and pioneers, from great mausoleumVezava: Trda27,78 €
Network Society(2020) VAN DIJK, JAN A G M A G MThe Network Society; the essential guide to the past, current consequences and future of digital communication, remaining an accessible, comprehensive, must-read introduction to how new media function in contemporary society.Vezava: Trda116,06 €
Introducing Research Methodology(2020) FLICK, UWEAn encyclopedic introduction to research, showing students how to think about every stage of their project and equipping them with the tools they need to understand different research processes.Vezava: Mehka70,75 €
Network Society(2020) VAN DIJK, JAN A G M A G MThe Network Society; the essential guide to the past, current consequences and future of digital communication, remaining an accessible, comprehensive, must-read introduction to how new media function in contemporary society.Vezava: Mehka82,06 €
How to Do Qualitative Interviewing(2021) MORGAN BRETT, BETHANY ROWAN ROWAN,WHEELER, KATHRYNFrom finding participants to writing your questions, this hands on book tells you everything you need to know when doing qualitative interviews.Vezava: Mehka58,05 €
Introduction to Sociology(2021)An introductory guide to the key concepts, themes, and topics in the discipline of sociology, providing sociology students with comprehensive coverage of all the main areas of study for their first year and beyond.Vezava: Mehka61,68 €
Scottish Customs(2021) LIVINGSTONE, SHEILACustoms play an important part in all societies and offer fascinating insights into a country’s history and culture. Scotland boasts a multitude of unique customs, many of which can be traced back to the times of the Druids, Celts and Romans. This book inVezava: Mehka10,44 €