166 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    Vezava: Mehka
    61,99 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Prepare for a Caesarean: Self Hypnosis(2005) HOWELL, MAGGIE
    Presented in a CD format, this programme aims to help you prepare for a positive Caesarean experience. This CD helps you relax and feel excited about the forthcoming birth, and allow yourself to expect a positive, good birth experience.
    1,15 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Dreaming: A Very Short Introduction(2005) ALLAN J. HOBSON
    Vezava: Mehka
    13,88 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Albert Hofmann, who died in 2008 aged 102, synthesised LSD in 1938. Although his work produced other important drugs, it was LSD that shaped his career. Shortly before his death, Hofmann approved a new and updated translation of his autobiography (first p
    Vezava: Mehka
    54,76 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Dreamer's Odyssey(2020) FLECKNOE-BROWN, JACQUIE
    In The Dreamer's Odyssey, the author provides a step-by-step guide to help the individual interpret and work through their own dreams. It can also be used by counsellors and other professionals to give them an understanding of the basis of Jung's dream a
    Vezava: Mehka
    32,71 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Insomnia(2019) BENJAMIN, MARINA
    Vezava: Mehka
    11,11 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Postnatal Recovery: Hypnobirthing for a Positive Postnatal Recovery(2016) HOWELL, MAGGIE
    Hypnobirthing Postnatal Recovery can be used by all new mothers. It has been specifically useful for second time mums who experienced difficulties after their first child was born. The album can be listened to while feeding your baby or while resting when
    13,88 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Prepare for a Caesarean: Hypnobirthing for Giving Birth by Caesarean(2016) HOWELL, MAGGIE
    Your choice to give birth by caesarean may have been influenced by any number of decisions. No matter which reasons have led you to make this informed choice, you know, that even though this may not have been what you wanted or expected, this is still an
    13,88 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Reality+ - Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy()
    40,20 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    We Ate the Acid(2018) ROBERTS, JOE
    Monograph of Joe Robert's latest work, including paintings, drawings, and essays.
    Vezava: Trda
    44,79 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist(2012) CHRISTOF KOCH
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,97 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Urge(2022) ERIK FISHER, CARL
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,61 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Why Can't We Sleep?(2019) DARIAN LEADER
    Vezava: Mehka
    12,50 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Andrea Grace’s Gentle Sleep Solutions(2022) GRACE, ANDREA
    Vezava: Mehka
    18,05 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Fully Human(2021) BIDDULPH, STEVE
    Fully Human is world-renowned family therapist and multi-million bestselling parenting author Steve Biddulph's first personal development book for people all ages that will help us all live better, more fulfilling lives.
    Vezava: Mehka
    20,83 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Your Conscious Mind(2022) NEW SCIENTIST
    A voyage through the mind to discover what consciousness really is, and what we can learn when it goes awry.
    Vezava: Mehka
    15,27 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    The Psilocybin Solution: The Role of Sacred Mushrooms in the Quest for Meaning(2011) SIMON POWELL
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,88 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Love to Sleep(2022) SQUIRES, EVE,FRYER, GEMMA
    Vezava: Mehka
    23,61 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Sway(2021) AGARWAL, DR PRAGYA
    Vezava: Mehka
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions(2017) GARY A. KLEIN , GARY KLEIN
    Vezava: Mehka
    39,97 €

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