3 rezultatov
Asking Animals: An Introduction to Animal Behaviour Testing(2020) NIELSEN, BIRTE L (RESEARCH DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR AT UFAW (UNIVERSITIES FEDERATION FOR ANIMAL WELFARE) AND THEIR SISTER-CHARITY HSA (HUMANE SLAUGHTER ASSOCIATION).)This book gives an introduction to the use of behaviour tests applied to animals. By including illustrative examples from a variety of species, it aims to inspire the animal scientist to think about what a given behavioural test can be used for, and how tVezava: Mehka73,31 €
Ethology of Domestic Animals(2017)Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout, this classic bestselling text provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of animal behaviour. It covers genetics, physiology, motivations, learning and cognition, through to socialVezava: Mehka59,33 €