195 rezultatov
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of World War I: An Expert Guide to the Uniforms of Britain, France, Russia, America, Germany and Austro-Hungary with Over 650 Colour Illustrations(2011) JONATHAN NORTHIZŠLA NAJ BI AVGUSTA 2011- PRENAROČENA NA BTS- claim 18.8.11- imajo zalogo- bo poslanaVezava: Trda27,78 €
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World(2015) STANLEY A. MCCHRYSTALVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Shooting Up: A History of Drugs in Warfare(2017) ŁUKASZ KAMIEŃSKI , LUKASZ KAMIENSKIVezava: Mehka25,71 €
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars: Detailed Information on the Unifroms of the Austrian, British, French, Prussian and Russian Forces, with Additional Material on(2006) CAPTAIN PETER HORE6008- claim 18.8.2011- naj bi bila poslana v kratkem- imajo na zalogiVezava: Mehka27,78 €
Until Tuesday(2012) MONTALVAN, LUIS CARLOS,WITTER, BRETUntil Tuesday is Horse Boy meets Dewey (with a bit of Tuesdays with Morrie thrown in)Vezava: Mehka15,27 €