248 rezultatov
Zadnji dve: Najin in Fatu: reševanje vrste na robu izumrtja(2022) BOŠTJAN VIDEMŠEK , MAJA PRIJATELJ VIDEMŠEKVezava: Broširana26,90 €
Marine Conservation Biology(2005) MARINE CONSERVATION BIOLOGY INSTITUTELoss of marine biodiversity, including extinctions and habitat degradation, has received little attention. At the same time, marine sciences such as oceanography and fisheries biology have largely ignored issues of conservation. Here, experts from aroundVezava: Mehka78,39 €
Conservation by Proxy(2010) CARO, TIMProvides clear definitions and common understanding of the evidence and theory behind surrogate species. This title offers systematic definitions of surrogate species concepts, explores the theories behind them, considers how they are chosen, examines eviVezava: Mehka64,56 €
Bee Garden(2011) LITTLE, MAUREENBees play a vital and irreplaceable role in our ecosystem, pollinating our flowers, fruits and vegetables; yet they are declining rapidly. Each of us can play our part in providing a bee-friendly environment and this book will explain how.Vezava: Mehka26,39 €
Rockhopper Copper(2011)The life and times of the people of Tristan da Cunha, the most remote inhabited island on Earth.Vezava: Mehka16,00 €
African Love Story(2013) SHELDRICK, DAME DAPHNETells the story from Africa's greatest living conservationist. This book covers a typical day for the author that involves rescuing baby elephants from poachers; finding homes for orphan elephants, all the while campaigning the ever-present threat of poacVezava: Mehka15,27 €