21 rezultatov
Upravno pravo, ranljive skupine in človekove pravice(2019) NEŽA KOGOVŠEK ŠALAMONVezava: Mehka58,00 €
Explaining Tort and Crime(2022) DYSON, MATTHEW (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)This book explains how and why tort law and criminal law developed in England compared with other legal systems, from 1850 to 2020. It uses comparative law and legal history techniques to understand fault concepts, such as intention, recklessness and neglVezava: Trda149,63 €
Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-2) z uvodnimi pojasnili(2023) MOJCA PRELESNIKVezava: Trda156,00 €
Technology, the Global Economy and other New Challenges for Civil Justice(2021)This is a fresh and stimulating book on new challenges for civil justice. It brings together leading experts from across the world to discuss relevant topics of civil justice from regional, cross-border, international and comparative perspectives.Vezava: Trda265,58 €
Return of Breaking Law(2021) GOLD, STEPHENThe Return of Breaking Law: The Judge's Inside Guide to Your Legal Rights & Winning in Court or Losing WellVezava: Mehka40,20 €
Trust Practitioner's Toolkit(2018) STEEL, GILLTo facilitate effective trust management, the Trust Practitioner’s Toolkit contains useful checklists, records and forms and is designed as a companion to the popular Trust Practitioner’s Handbook.76,33 €
Clinical Negligence Made Clear(2019) POOLE, NIGELClinical Negligence Made Clear: A Guide for Patients and Professionals is an attempt by one the country’s leading clinical negligence practitioners to help all those who might be affected by such cases to understand what is involved and thereby to reduceVezava: Mehka32,14 €
Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk(2015) BERGKAMP, LUCAS,FAURE, MICHAEL (UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS),HINTEREGGER, MONIKA (KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITAT GRAZ, AUSTRIA),PHILIPSEN, NIELS (UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS)This book examines liability laws as they relate to terrorism-related damage. For instance, to what extent are facility operators, governments and security firms in Europe exposed to liability for terrorism-related damage? Furthermore, this book analyzesVezava: Trda173,25 €
Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (ZNP-1): razširjena uvodna pojasnila(2020) VESNA RIJAVEC , ALEŠ GALIČ , ET AL.Vezava: Trda146,00 €