7 rezultatov
Lowry, Rawlings and Merkin's Insurance Law(2022) MERKIN KC, ROB (UNIVERSITY OF READING, UK)Vezava: Mehka66,77 €
Commonwealth Caribbean Insurance Law(2019) WALCOTT, LESLEYThis book sets out in a clear and concise manner the central principles of the law of insurance in the region, in order to guide students through this sometimes complex subject.Vezava: Trda212,63 €
Veliki komentar Zakona o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju (ZPIZ-2): obvezno pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje ter poklicno zavarovanje(2021) ANDRAŽ RANGUS , MARJAN PAPEŽ , MITJA ŽIHER , IRENA ŠTRUMBELJ TRONTELJ , JOŽE KUHELJ , ANTON DOBRINA2. izdajaVezava: Trda331,00 €