O avtorju
John C. Parkin, sin anglikanskega pridigarja, je več kot dvajset let preučeval različne verske nauke in prakticiral vzhodnjaške filozofske sisteme. Nazadnje je rekel KURC GLEDA dobro plačani službi v Londonu in se preselil v Italijo ter tam ustanovil holistični center »The Hill That Breathes«. V programu seminarjev, sprostitvenih vaj, joge in drugih alternativnih metod prireja tudi tedenska srečanja »Fuck It Weeks«. Če ravno ne preživlja časa s svojo ženo Gaio in sinovoma, piše knjige in predava o tehniki KURC GLEDA ali pa dremlje ob bazenu.
This is The Fuck It Way.
Saying 'Fuck It' is like massage for the mind - relaxing you, releasing tension, giving up on things that aren't working.
John C. Parkin argues that saying Fuck It is a spiritual act: That it is the perfect western expression of the eastern ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don't matter so much (if at all). It works very simply: if you're feeling stressed about something, say 'Fuck It'… you feel instantly better.