Susie Hodge

O avtorju

Susie Hodge je študirala umetnostno zgodovino na Birbecku pri londonski univerzi in je članica Kraljevega društva za umetnost. Je avtorica številnih knjig s področja umetnostne zgodovine, med drugim Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That: Modern Art Explained (Thames & Hudson), 50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know in Gustav Klimt (Quercus).

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Ogled izdelka
Zakaj je umetnost polna nagcev? SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Trda

31,95 €
Ogled izdelka
Naučimo se risati obraze v preprostih korakih SUSIE HODGE
9,95 €
Ogled izdelka

Vezava: Mehka

18,05 €
Ogled izdelka
Modern Art in Detail: 75 Masterpieces SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

34,67 €
Ogled izdelka
Painting Masterclass - Creative Techniques of 100 Great Artists SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

34,74 €
Ogled izdelka
Rubens: His Life and Works in 500 Images - An Illustrated Exploration of the Artist, His Life and Context, with a Gallery of 300 Paintings and Drawings SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Trda

23,61 €
Ogled izdelka
How Art Can Change Your Life SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

20,83 €
Ogled izdelka
Renoir: His Life and Works in 500 Images: An Illustrated Exploration of the Artist, His Life and Context, with a Gallery of 300 of His Greatest Works SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Trda

23,61 €
Ogled izdelka
Art in Minutes SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

18,05 €
Ogled izdelka
Cezanne: His Life and Works in 500 Images SUSIE HODGE
23,61 €
Ogled izdelka
The Short Story of Modern Art SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

20,83 €
Ogled izdelka
The Short Story of Architecture - "A Pocket Guide to Key Styles, Buildings, Elements & Materials" SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

23,61 €
Ogled izdelka
Architecture In Minutes SUSIE HODGE

Vezava: Mehka

18,05 €