The Bee Book: The Wonder of Bees. How to Protect Them. Beekeeping Know-How
The Bee Book: The Wonder of Bees. How to Protect Them. Beekeeping Know-How
The Bee Book: The Wonder of Bees. How to Protect Them. Beekeeping Know-How
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Poglej vseISBN
9780241217429Mladinska knjiga ID
671994Leto izida
2016Datum izida
01.03.2016Velikost (šxdxv)
100 × 100 × 100Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Bees are a marvel of nature and vital to human existence. The Bee Book is a great introduction to bees and beekeeping and celebrates the wonder of bees in nature, in our gardens and in the hive.
A honey bee visits up to 1,000 flowers a day yet produces only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. The Bee Book offers startling insights into the lives of bees and shows how we can best support and benefit from their presence in our gardens and hives. Marvel at the industry and intelligence of bees, the turbulent life of a queen and the remarkable properties of honey. This book includes recipes for simple home remedies and beauty treatments using honey, wax and propolis, such as a honey and clay facial mask, or a sunburn lotion.
Follow our step-by-step guides to create bee-friendly spaces such as bee 'hotels', read about beekeeping, harness the power of honey for your wellbeing and guard the future of the bee.
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