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Poglej vseISBN
9781904600060Mladinska knjiga ID
9781904600060Leto izida
2004Datum izida
01.04.2004Število strani
112Status dobavljivosti
7-10 delovnih dniZbirka
Chess for SchoolsZaložnik
Gambit Publications LtdAvtor
Chandler, Murray,Milligan, HelenDimenzije
282 x 215 x 13BIC
"...the best book of its type ever published" - Peter Connor reviewing on ChessCountry.comWith this charming book, children will delight in learning the basic moves of chess - the most popular and challenging strategy game of all. All the rules of chess are clearly explained, step by step, assuming no prior knowledge. The lessons are reinforced by the inventive tales that George is told by his pet alligator Kirsty, self-proclaimed Grand Alligator of chess.Chess is recognized in many countries as a useful tool for developing creative thinking in children. Although chess can be regarded as a rather complex and mysterious game, the rules themselves are straightforward. It doesn't take long to learn how the pieces move, and even children as young as five can enjoy exciting games. They will also thoroughly enjoy outwitting friends and relatives!Murray Chandler gained the chess Grandmaster title by winning events in New York and Amsterdam. During 28 years as a professional player, he has taken part in over 150 international tournaments, in 32 different countries. His previous books include the best-selling How to Beat Your Dad at Chess and Chess Tactics for Kids. See also Chess Puzzles for Kids.Dr Helen Milligan is a World Chess Federation woman master (wfm), and a former British Ladies Champion. She has represented Scotland in 10 Chess Olympiads, and New Zealand in two."...the book is well thought out and can be enjoyed by kids as young as 5." - Lubomir Kavalek, Washington Post"Chess For Children is attractively produced and user friendly for kids. The diagrams are large and clear and there are cartoons throughout the book that reinforce the subject matter. ... It's a perfect book for younger ones to work on with their parents. Recommended." - John Donaldson
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