Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780471799405Mladinska knjiga ID
379977Leto izida
2006Datum izida
14.11.2006Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Geometry Workbook For Dummies ensures that practice makes perfect, especially when problems are presented without the stiff, formal style that you’d find in your math textbook. Written with a commonsense, street-smart approach, this guide gives you the step-by-step process to solve each proof, along with tips, shortcuts, and mnemonic devices to make sure the solutions stick. It also gives you plenty of room to work out your solutions, providing you with space to breathe and a clear head. This book provides you with the tools you need to solve all types of geometry problems, including:
- Congruent triangles
- Finding the area, angle, and size of quadrilaterals
- Angle-arc theorems and formulas
- Touching radii and tangents
- Connecting radii and chords
- Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines and planes
- Slope, distance, and midpoint formulas
- Line and circle equations
- Handling rotations, reflections, and other transformations
Packed with tons of strategies for solving proofs and a review of key concepts, Geometry Workbook For Dummies is the ultimate study aid for students, parents, and anyone with an interest in the field.
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