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Poglej vseISBN
9780415327596Mladinska knjiga ID
398637Leto izida
2009Datum izida
28.02.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Tracing the history and theory of visual culture, from painting to the World Wide Web, this book asks how and why visual media have become so central to everyday life. It explores a wide range of visual forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, television, cinema, Virtual Reality, and the internet."An Introduction to Visual Culture" provides a wide ranging introduction to the now established interdisciplinary field of visual culture. Tracing the history and theory of visual culture, from painting to the World Wide Web, "An Introduction to Visual Culture" asks how and why visual media have become so central to everyday life. This new, thoroughly updated second edition has been adapted to match the changes and developments within the field since the publication of the first edition over a decade ago. An improved text design and color images make this an even more valuable teaching tool.Brand new features in the second edition include Key Image studies and a Key Words section in each chapter, which discuss a selection of important terms and the debates that surround them.; In this innovative, thoroughly revised edition, Nicholas Mirzoeff explores: the rise and growing importance of visual culture; a wide range of visual forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, television, cinema, Virtual Reality, and the internet; the importance of 'race' and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and the body in visual culture; and, key images, from Holbein's The Ambassadors, to images from Blade Runner and the Abu Graib atrocities. This book describes the importance of images of natural disaster and conflict, such Hurricane Katrina and the ongoing war in Iraq.Preface Introduction 1. Sight Becomes Vision: From al-Haytham to Perspective 2. '1492': Expulsions, Expropriations, Encounters 3. Slavery, Modernity and Visual Culture 4. Panoptic Modernity 5. Imperial Transcultures: from Kongo to Congo 6. Sexuality Disrupts: Measuring the Silences 7. Inventing the West 8. Decolonizing Vision 9. Discrete States: Digital Worlds from the Difference Engine to Web 2.0 10. The Death of 'The Death of Photography' 11. Celebrity: from Imperial Monarchy to Reality TV 12. Watching War.
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