Make Change That Lasts -Signed Edition-: 9 Simple Ways to Break Free from the Habits that Hold You Back
Make Change That Lasts -Signed Edition-: 9 Simple Ways to Break Free from the Habits that Hold You Back
Sunday Times bestselling author Dr Rangan Chatterjee reveals how to make positive change that actually lasts in his latest, most innovative book to date. We all have things we rely on going our way to help us feel calm and happy. Your partner waking up
Make Change That Lasts -Signed Edition-: 9 Simple Ways to Break Free from the Habits that Hold You Back
Sunday Times bestselling author Dr Rangan Chatterjee reveals how to make positive change that actually lasts in his latest, most innovative book to date. We all have things we rely on going our way to help us feel calm and happy. Your partner waking up
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Poglej vseISBN
9781472638182Mladinska knjiga ID
9781472638182Leto izida
2025Datum izida
02.01.2025Število strani
0Status dobavljivosti
7-10 delovnih dniJezik
Penguin Books LtdDimenzije
188 x 231 x 21BIC
Sunday Times bestselling author Dr Rangan Chatterjee reveals how to make positive change that actually lasts in his latest, most innovative book to date. We all have things we rely on going our way to help us feel calm and happy. Your partner waking up in a good mood. No traffic on the way to work. No queues at the supermarket. And no rain on your day off. But what happens when things don't woPogosto kupljeno skupaj
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