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Poglej vseISBN
9781398720565Mladinska knjiga ID
917360Leto izida
2023Datum izida
05.12.2023Velikost (šxdxv)
164 × 35 × 244Status dobavljivosti
3-5 delovnih dniJezik
614 gZaložnik
Orion Publishing CoAvtor
Second star to the right and straight on to mourning...A fairy tale retelling like no other from the imagination of Jessa Hastings.
Never . . . is an awfully long time.
Growing up, Daphne always knew Peter Pan would come for her. The way he'd come for her mother, and her grandmother Wendy before that. The Darling girls. Their stories are all the same: the forever-young boy at their window after their thirteenth birthday, and the shimmering, magical land behind a star.
When Peter doesn't show for Daphne until she's seventeen, inexplicably full-grown and with no excuse for his tardiness, Daphne doesn't know what to think. Still, she has always been told that Peter Pan is her destiny. It's beyond choice to take his hand and leap into the stars, no matter what comes next.
But in Neverland, Peter's true colours begin to show. One moment, he's making Daphne's heart flutter, and the next, he's forgotten her entirely. So when Daphne stumbles into the path of Jamison Hook, the pirate son of Peter's nemesis, she lets herself get swept up in his vulgar charm, despite the warning signs.
Both boys are trouble, and both have dangerous secrets about this strange fantasy land they call home and if she loses her heart to either one, Daphne might just lose herself, too.
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