The Night Watch (The Night Watch 1)
The Night Watch (The Night Watch 1)
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780099489924Mladinska knjiga ID
301496Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy parallel world existing in parallel to our own, each Other owes allegiance either to the Dark or the Light.
The Night Watch, first book in the Night Watch Trilogy, follows Anton, a young Other owing allegiance to the Light. As a Night Watch agent he must patrol the streets and metro of the city, protecting ordinary people from the vampires and magicians of the Dark. When he comes accross Svetlana, a young woman under a powerful curse, and saves an unfledged Other, Egor, from vampires, he becomes involved in events that threaten the uneasy truce, and the whole city...
Praise for The Night Watch:
This modern day mythical fantasy is Anne Rice on an epic scale, a hugely imagined world… a chiller thriller from cold of Russia, this one’s been selling like hot cakes around the world. Sunday Sport
JK Rowling, Russian style…arguably Russia’s richest and most famous literary talent of the moment… [a] cracking read, owing more to Rowling or Philip Pullman than it does to the horror genre…surprisingly readable and addictive…it relies on suspense and psychological drama and a good dose of humour – rather than blood and guts.' Daily Telegraph
So good that the film feels like a trailer for it Time Out
When a particular kind of story, heavily based in one culture, gets transferred into a culture distinctly different, something magical happens… Something modern, new and distinctly creepy…continues to work because the magic is rooted in the realities of modern Russia… Inventive, sardonic, and imbued with a surprising the sense that, for this author and his audience, much of this stuff is new-minted.’ Independent
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