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Poglej vseISBN
9780141375632Mladinska knjiga ID
702439Leto izida
2024Datum izida
01.06.2017Velikost (šxdxv)
129 × 197 × 30Status dobavljivosti
3-5 delovnih dniJezik
Five students go to detention. Only four leave alive. For fans of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars, this is the perfect high-school whodunit.
Five students go to detention. Only four leave alive. For fans of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars, this is the perfect high school thriller.
Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never publicly broken a rule. Sports star Cooper only knows what he's doing in the baseball diamond. Bad boy Nate is one misstep away from a life of crime.
Prom queen Addy is holding together the cracks in her perfect life. And outsider Simon, creator of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High, won't ever talk about any of them again. He dies 24 hours before he could post their deepest secrets online. Investigators conclude it's no accident. All of them are suspects.
Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you'll go to protect them.
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Celovita ponudba za dom in pisarno
Vrhunski izdelki priznanih blagovnih znamk.
Brezplačna dostava
Brezplačna dostava za vsa naročila nad 59 € (za šolske pakete nad 140 €)
×Osveženo 26.03.2023 10:09
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