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Poglej vseISBN
9780199207619Mladinska knjiga ID
438463Leto izida
2010Datum izida
01.09.2010Velikost (šxdxv)
1000 × 1000 × 1000Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
By far the largest, most authoritative and up-to-date single-volume Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary in print, the Oxford Chinese Dictionary is the result of a remarkable collaboration of scholars working in Oxford, Hong Kong, and mainland China. It has been produced using the latest lexicographic methods and is based on research in both the Oxford English Corpus and the LIVAC corpus from the City University of Hong Kong.The result is truly a definitive dictionary, with over 300,000 words and phrases and 370,000 translations, including the latest vocabulary from computing, business, the media, and the arts, as well as tens of thousands of example phrases illustrating key points of construction and usage. There are over 300 cultural notes giving essential information about many aspects of life and culture in the Chinese- and English-speaking worlds. Extensive supplementary material includes sample letters and emails, guides to telephoning and text messaging in both Chinese and English, chronologies of Chinese history and culture, and features on particularly difficult aspects of the Chinese language. There are also over 50 pages of lexical and usage notes which contain helpful information about the Chinese and English languages.
All the Chinese headwords are shown with Pinyin and tones, so that the learner of Chinese can pronounce each one correctly. Chinese headwords are given in simplified Chinese characters but traditional Chinese character versions are also given in brackets when they differ from the simplified form. All other characters in the dictionary, such as compounds and examples, are shown in simplified characters. The Chinese-English section of the dictionary is organized alphabetically by Pinyin and there is also a radical index which allows you to look up a character without knowing its Pinyin form.
Authoritative and comprehensive, and packed with helpful features, this ground-breaking dictionary is an indispensable reference for any serious student of Mandarin Chinese or English as well as professionals and translators.
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Vezava: Trda
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Vezava: Mehka
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Vezava: Mehka
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