Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780199566013Mladinska knjiga ID
396099Leto izida
2009Datum izida
30.06.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
This Oxford Handbook assembles the world's leading scholars on public opinion and political behavior to describe the state-of-the-art research on the beliefs, values and behaviors of contemporary publics. It will become the first point of reference for scholars and students interested in these key issues.What does democracy expect of its citizens, and how do the citizenry match these expectations? This Oxford Handbook examines the role of the citizen in contemporary politics, based on essays from the world's leading scholars of political behavior research. The recent expansion of democracy has both given new rights and created new responsibilities for the citizenry. These political changes are paralleled by tremendous advances in our empirical knowledge of citizens and their behaviors through the institutionalization of systematic, comparative study of contemporary publics--ranging from the advanced industrial democracies to the emerging democracies of Central and Eastern Europe, to new survey research on the developing world. These essays describe how citizens think about politics, how their values shape their behavior, the patterns of participation, the sources of vote choice, and how public opinion impacts on governing and public policy. This is the most comprehensive review of the cross-national literature of citizen behavior and the relationship between citizens and their governments.It will become the first point of reference for scholars and students interested in these key issues.PART I INTRODUCTION; 1. Citizen Attitudes and Political Behavior; PART II MASS BELIEF SYSTEMS AND COMMUNICATION; 2. Political Socialization; 3. Belief Systems and Political Decision Making; 4. Elite Beliefs and the Theory of Democractic Elitism; 5. Political Psychology and Choice; 6. Information, Persuasion, and Political Communication networks; 7. Political Communication; 8. Perspectives on Mass Belief Systems and Communication; PART III MODERNIZATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE; 9. The Political Culture Paradigm; 10. Individual Modernity; 11. Left-Right Orientations; 12. Postmaterialist Values and the Shift from Survival to Self-Expression Values; 13. Clash of Values across Civilizations; 14. Democratization: Perspectives from Global Citizenries; 15. Perspectives on Political Behavior in Time and Space; PART IV POLITICAL VALUES; 16. Political Values; 17. Political Intolerance in the Context of Democratic Theory; 18. Social and Political Trust; 19. The Welfare State: Values, Policy Preferences, and Performance Evaluations; 20. Citizen Opinion on Foreign Policy and World Politics; 21. Norms of Citizenship; 22. Democratic Values; PART V NEW DEBATES IN POLITICAL BEHAVIOR; 23. An Institutional Theory of Political Choice; 24. The Decline of Social Class?; 25. The Effects of Religion and Religiosity on Voting Behavior; 26. Race and Political Behavior; 27. Economic Models of Voting; 28. New Dimensions of Political Cleavage; 29. Partisanship Reconsidered; 30. The Personalization of Politics; 31. The Interaction of Structures and Voter Behavior; 32. Perspectives on Electoral Behavior; PART VI POLITICAL PARTICIPATION; 33. Turnout in Elections; 34. Political Activism and Party Members; 35. Social Capital; 36. Civil Society and Democratization; 37. Social Movements; 38. The Spread of Protest Politics; 39. New Feminist Challenges to the Study of Political Engagement; 40. New Modes of Campaigning; 41. E-Government and Democracy; 42. Perspectives on Political Participation; PART VII DOES PUBLIC OPINION MATTER?; 43. The Relationship between Public Opinion and Policy; 44. Political Elites; 45. Political Representation and Democracy; 46. Perspectives on Representation: Asking the Right Questions and Getting the Right Answers; PART VIII THE METHODOLOGY OF COMPARATIVE POLITICAL BEHAVIOR RESEARCH; 47. Research Resources in Comparative Political Behavior; 48. Comparative Opinion Surveys; 49. Methods of Elite Research
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