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Poglej vseISBN
9780755353798Mladinska knjiga ID
549571Leto izida
2012Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
The brand new thrilling Roman adventure - a Top Ten bestseller in hardback - from Simon Scarrow, author of THE LEGION and THE GLADIATOR. The city of Rome in AD 50 is a dangerous place. Treachery lurks on every corner, and a shadowy Republican movement, 'the Liberators', has spread its tentacles wide. It is feared that the heart of the latest plot lies in the ranks of the Praetorian Guard. Uncertain of whom he can trust, the Imperial Secretary Narcissus summons to Rome two courageous men guaranteed to be loyal to the grave: army veterans Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro. Tasked with infiltrating the Guard, Cato and Macro face a daunting test to win the trust of their fellow soldiers. No sooner have they begun to unearth the details of the Liberators' devious plan than disaster strikes: an old enemy who could identify them, with deadly consequences, makes an unexpected appearance. Now they face a race against time to save their own lives before they can unmask the mastermind behind the Liberators...
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Vse za šolo
Nagrajena izobraževalna gradiva in kakovostne potrebščine.
Celovita ponudba za dom in pisarno
Vrhunski izdelki priznanih blagovnih znamk.
Brezplačna dostava
Brezplačna dostava za vsa naročila nad 59 € (za šolske pakete nad 140 €)
×Osveženo 26.03.2023 10:09
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