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Poglej vseISBN
9781398537088Mladinska knjiga ID
928317Leto izida
2024Datum izida
25.04.2024Število strani
368Velikost (šxdxv)
130 × 30 × 198Status dobavljivosti
4-6 delovnih dniJezik
380 gZaložnik
Simon & Schuster LtdAvtor
'Unputdownable and unforgettable. Peyton Corinne effortlessly weaves together raw, emotional moments with scenes that feel like a warm embrace through dynamic characters that will leave an indelible imprint long after you turn the final page' Bal Khabra, author of Collide
Rhys is desperate to feel anything.
Sadie wants to stop feeling so much.
Rhys Koteskiy is back—at least, he’s supposed to be. During last year’s Frozen Four, the Waterfell University hockey captain and NHL legacy took a brutal hit that left him with a concussion and a new discomfort on the ice. Plagued by nightmares and panic attacks every time he attempts to skate, Rhys wonders if he’ll ever play again—or if he’ll ever want to.
Sadie Brown is staying focused this semester—no matter what. Currently drowning in debt, custody hearings for her younger brothers, and skating practices, she’s just trying to make it to the next day. A spitfire figure skater known for her bad attitude and frequent disappearing acts, Sadie has a reputation on campus. And it’s not a pretty one.
When she accidentally witnesses one of the golden boy hockey captain’s panic attacks and attempts to help him, a strange sort of understanding strikes up between them. No questions asked. Just comfort. But Rhys finds himself drawn to Sadie. Where he feels empty, a shell of the man and player he was before, Sadie is so full of everything, it bursts from her; every emotion she feels seems like it’s blasted at max volume. Rhys is desperate to feel anything. Sadie wants to stop feeling so much. But healing doesn’t mix with secrets, and they’re both skating on thin ice.
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