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Poglej vseISBN
9780415462020Mladinska knjiga ID
397063Leto izida
2009Datum izida
28.02.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
Divided into six parts, this book outlines the field of urban geography and explains the importance of a global perspective. It explores the growth of cities from the earliest times and examines the urban geography of the major world regions. It considers the dynamics of urban structure and land use change in Western cities.Today, for the first time in the history of humankind urban dwellers outnumber rural residents. Urban places, towns and cities, are of fundamental importance - for the distribution of population within countries; in the organisation of economic production, distribution and exchange; in the structuring of social reproduction and cultural life; and in the allocation and exercise of power. Furthermore, in the course of the present century the number of urban dwellers and level of global urbanisation are destined to increase. Even those living beyond the administrative or functional boundaries of a town or city will have their lifestyle influenced to some degree by a nearby, or even distant, city. The analysis of towns and cities is a central element of all social sciences including geography, which offers a particular perspective on and insight into the urban condition. The principal goal of this third edition of the book remains that of providing instructors and students of the contemporary city with a comprehensive introduction to the expanding field of urban studies. The structure of the first two editions is maintained, with minor amendments.; Each of the thirty chapters has been revised to incorporate recent developments in the field. All of the popular study aids are retained; the glossary has been expanded; and chapter references and notes updated to reflect the latest research. This third edition also provides new and expanded discussion of key themes and debates including detailed consideration of metacities, boomburgs, public space, urban sprawl, balanced communities, urban economic restructuring, poverty and financial exclusion, the right to the city, urban policy, reverse migration, and traffic and transport problems. The book is divided into six main parts. Part one outlines the field of urban geography and explains the importance of a global perspective. Part two explores the growth of cities from the earliest times to the present day and examines the urban geography of the major world regions. Part three considers the dynamics of urban structure and land use change in Western cities. Part four focuses on economy, society and politics in the Western city.; In part five attention turns to the urban geography of the Third World, where many of the countries experiencing highest rates or urban growth are least well equipped to respond to the economic, social, political and environmental challenge. Finally part six affords a prospective on the future of cities and cities of the future. New to this edition include: further readings based on the latest research; updated data and statistics; an expanded glossary; new key concepts; additional study questions; and, a listing of useful websites. The book provides a comprehensive interpretation of the urban geography of the contemporary world. It is written in a clear and readable style, lavishly illustrated with more than 80 photographs, 180 figures, 100 tables and over 200 boxed studies and with a plethora of study aids. "Urban Geography: A Global Perspective" represents the ultimate resource for students of urban geography.Part 1: The Study of Urban Geography 1. Urban Geography: From Global to Local 2. Concepts and Theory in Urban Geography Part 2: An Urbanising World 3. The Origins and Growth of Cities 4. The Global Context of Urbanisation and Urban Change 5. Regional Perspectives on Urbanisation and Urban Change 6. National Urban Systems Part 3: Urban Structure and Land Use in the Western City 7. Land Use in the City 8. Urban Planning and Policy 9. New Towns 10. Residential Mobility and Neighbourhood Change 11. Housing Problems and Housing Policy 12. Urban Retailing 13. Urban Transportation Part 4: Living in the City: Economy, Society and Politics in the Western City 14. The Economy of Cities 15. Poverty and Deprivation in the Western City 16. National and Local Responses to Urban Economic Change 17. Collective Consumption and Social Justice in the City 18. Residential Differentiation and Communities in the City 19. Urban Liveability 20. Power, Politics and Urban Governance Part 5: Urban Geography in the Third World 21. Third World Urbanisation within a Global Urban System 22. Internal Structure of Third World Cities 23. Rural--Urban Migration in the Third World 24. Urban Economy and Employment in the Third World 25. Housing the Third World Urban Poor 26. Environmental Problems in Third World Cities 27. Health in the Third World City 28. Traffic and Transport in the Third World City 29. Poverty, Power and Politics in the Third World City Part 6: Prospective -- The Future of the City: Cities of The Future 30. The Future of the City -- Cities of the Future
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